- Перше пленарне засідання Верховної Ради у 2022 році відбулося 25 січня, а до цього депутати перебували на зимових канікулах. Напередодні, 24 січня, під час Погоджувальної ради спікер парламенту Руслан Стефанчук зазначив, що 28 депутатів та 78 працівників апарату хворіють на COVID-19. Це стало однією з причин внесення змін в Календарний план роботи парламенту, згідно з яким депутати проведуть ... →
- Однією із пільг народних депутатів, що пов’язана із виконанням їхніх функцій, є забезпечення нардепів автотранспортом у межах міста Києва. Існує й окреме Положення про порядок закріплення та використання автомобілів у Верховній Раді України. Відповідно до нього народний обранець у телефонному режимі через диспетчера може замовити черговий автомобіль. Під час цієї процедури парламентар повідомляє: ... →
- Civil Network OPORA is calling for the Committees of the Verkhovna Rada to take measures and improve the promulgation of socially important information on their sites till December 31, 2013. One of key challenges on the way to the establishment of democratic governance practices and European standards of political culture in Ukraine is the ability to secure transparency of government bodies. ... →
- VRU committees publish more and more public information in the internet. This fact was discovered by OPORA after the assessment of 29 official websites and their content. Representatives of the organization have checked whether the content of portals corresponds to legislative requirements, and compared October results with July's. However, despite there are some slow improvements, the amount ... →
- Civil Network OPORA is calling for the Committees of the Verkhovna Rada to take measures and improve the promulgation of socially important information on their sites till December 31, 2013. One of key challenges on the way to the establishment of democratic governance practices and European standards of political culture in Ukraine is the ability to secure transparency of government bodies. ... →
- Before the 3rd session of the Verkhovna Rada of VII convocation is opened, OPORA publishes a number of materials containing a summary of parliamentary activities for the current period. These documents complement a long-term monitoring, which is being conducted by the organization after 2012 Parliamentary elections. The second analysis will systematize the information about rejected legislative ... →
- Before the 3rd session of the Verkhovna Rada of VII convocation is opened, OPORA will publish a number of materials containing a summary of parliamentary activities for the current period. These documents complement a long-term monitoring, which is being conducted by the organization after 2012 Parliamentary elections. Taking into consideration the results of an expert inquiry conducted by the ... →
- According to OPORA's calculations, members of the AUU Svoboda faction turned out to be the most disciplined during two sessions of the Parliament. 33% of its members were present at all the sittings, as well as 27% of members of the Party of Regions, and 22% of the CPUOnly 12% members of the AUU Batkivshchyna and 5% of the UDAR didn't miss any sitting. As for non-faction MPs, only 3% of them ... →
- Civil Network OPORA has analyzed activities of all Members of Parliament, elected in majoritarian districts, and particularly those in Volyn oblast. Monitoring was conducted during seven months starting from December 12, 2012 to July 12, 2013 during the first and the second session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of VII convocation ... →
- Civil Network OPORA continues to watch and analyze law-making activities of MPs of Ukraine of VII convocation. In this review for June, the organization has covered the scope of law-making activities in the Parliament, as well as activeness of MPs with consideration of involved factions and concerned issues ... →