OPORA has analyzed the content of arguments and types of draft laws, which were considered by the people’s deputies during the I Session of the Verhovna Rada of VII Convocation. All “for” and “against” regarding the issues, which rose public interest and were actively discussed in the Parliament, were systematized by the representatives of OPORA.
Process of consideration and adoption of the draft bills is the key stage of parliamentary law making, one of the main functions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and the direct duty of all people’s deputies. 516 draft laws were registered during the first session of the VII Convocation, however only 28 points of the agenda (9 bills and 19 regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) were actually considered during six plenary meetings. This constitutes only 5% of all registered legal acts. Without a doubt, President is the most influential character in the Verkhovne Rada of Ukraine. Such conclusions can be derived from the performed analysis of the process of consideration and adoption of the bills. Thus, 56% of all draft laws submitted by the President were considered during the plenary sessions. Whereas the number of governmental and deputies’ draft laws was only 4 and 3 percent accordingly. Partially it can be explained by the fact that the deputies register considerably higher number of draft laws in comparison with the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. The main reason is the existence of the majority, which supports the President and which actively lobbies for the draft bills, which were initiated by the President, to be marked as of primary importance in the agenda of the plenary session. This majority is the most mobilized during the discussion and voting for these very documents.
All the presidential laws (9), which were under the consideration during the session, were finally supported by the majority of the deputies. The same can be applied to the governmental initiatives (2). All draft laws (9) of the deputies, who support the government, were supported by the Verkhovna Rada. In contrast, the voting brought results only regarding one draft law out of two, which were registered by the opposition deputies. The voting process showed that the topics of the deputies’ main interest during the first two months of parliamentary work were organizational and political issues connected with the performance of Rada and issues of external policy, which were connected with ratification of the international treaties and agreements. In contrast, people’s deputies did not manage to solve topical social and economic issues or endemic humanitarian problems.
During 6 plenary meetings, which were held during the first two months, the deputies considered and decided on 31 agenda items. Out of them one item was considered twice (on dismissal of the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine - S.H. Arbuzov) and another one - thrice (on termination of the authorities of the deputy I. M. Prasolov ). Only after few rounds of voting the deputies, with help of the parties supporting the government, managed to dismiss the people’s deputy Ihor Parsolov, who was shortly appointed as Minister of economic development and commerce, and to dismiss the First Deputy Prime Minister, Serhij Arbuzov, from the position of the Head of the National Bank of Ukraine.
As a result of agenda items consideration, 9 bills and 17 regulation of the Verkhovna Rada were adopted. The deputies did not support a draft law On amendment to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The draft regulation of the Verkhovna Rada On support of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union was sent for revision.
The majority of decisions (18) were dealing with political problems and issues of public administration, namely, organization of Parliamentary work – election of the decision makers, committee formation, approval of Parliamentary sessions schedule, termination of authorities of the people’s deputies, who became ministers. Less attention was paid to the issues of foreign policy – they made 9 decisions, the majority of which were related to the ratification of international treaties and agreements by the Ukrainian state.
At the same time, the people’s deputies did not adopt any law or regulation, which would tackle such urgent issues as economic development and social problems. It happened despite the high level of attention, which was paid to these issues in the election programs of these deputies. Traditionally the humanitarian problems also became of secondary importance in the agenda of the first Session of the Verkhovna Rada of VII Convocation.
Decriminalization of Articles 364 and 365 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine had no chances for successful voting without a politically consolidated decision among oppositional and governing fractions. To tell the truth, opposition does not have enough votes to adopt changes, which have political component. At the same time, voting results showed that not all party fellows used their chance to vote for a decision of high priority, according to the statements of politicians from the oppositional fractions. The aim of legal initiative is to release oppositional leaders Yuliia Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko from prison. The fractions of the Party of Regions, the Communist Party of Ukraine and individual unaffiliated Members of Parliament are against this draft law. The discussion of the draft law 1099 was very illustrative. While communists underlined the political motives, which prevent them from adopting the document, the representatives of the AU Fatherland and the Party of Regions resorted to polemic debate regarding the inconsistency between the norms of CPC and international documents ratified by the Ukrainian state and respectful international institutions. In general, the fractions that support the government did not show any interest during the discussion on the content of the draft law. Speech of Volodymyr Oliinyk (Party of Regions) is rather a comment to the thesis of oppositional deputies. Adam Martyniuk used the inadequacy of time limit for the package voting, which was offered to the deputies, to explain the withdrawal of the communists from the discussion. In general, the process and the results of parliamentary discussion showed that the release of Tymoshenko and Lytsenko is impossible, unless a respective political decision between the groups of influence in the governing party and oppositional leaders is made.
Consideration of the appointment of the new Head of the National Bank of Ukraine Sorokin Ihor is connected to the transfer of Serhii Arbuzov to the Government. The voting procedure for the candidacy of a new head was accompanied by political verbal confrontation in the Verkhovna Rada. This is equally connected with the figure of Sorokin and Arbuzov, who ignores the supreme legislative body. The latter did not show up in the Parliament to present his report on the work done. Weakening UAH, shrinking gold reserve of Ukraine, scandalous legislative initiative on taxation of currency transactions of individuals, which is believed to be directly connected to the National Bank, irrational expenses of the institution to serve personal interest, caused the outrage among the deputies. Moreover, Ihor Sorokin is in family relations with the top management of Gazprom, which has controversial attitudes among society, the members of which are paying for gas more than average market price. Decision regarding the appointment of the head of the main state bank institution was not made at once. In particular, it was because of the insufficient number of deputies from the Party of Regions, who did not manage to return from their vacation. In general the parliamentary discussion was divided into two groups of arguments: supporting the government – there is a presidential initiative, it has to be considered even without the report of the former head; oppositional – it is impossible to appoint Ihor Sorokin, who is former Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine and has close family relations with the President’s family, in situation when the bank system does not provide the stability of UAH and the gold reserve is shrinking. On January 10when the number of deputies from the Party of Regions was not enough, the demands of opposition just postponed the decision, which was made on January 11. However, the journalists and oppositional deputies, who were present at the session, claim that the present deputies from the governing party were using the cards of their colleagues in order to achieve the result.
Consideration of the draft law on approval of the Presidential decision on participation of the national contingent of Ukraine in the UN operation in Côte d'Ivoire and in the transboundary operations within the cooperation framework between UN Mission in Liberia and Operation caused active debated between the deputies of Verkhovna Rada. Members of UO Fatherland and the UDAR party were mainly against this draft law. In contrast, the deputies from the Party of Regions, CPU and AU Svoboda supported the participation of the national contingent in the peacekeeping mission. Thus, this draft law caused a precedent of an unconsolidated voting of the three oppositional fractions. Such situation appeared because from October 2012, according to the suggestion of the UN Security Council, the number of military component of the peacekeeping mission in Liberia is decreasing. Separate helicopter detachment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is performing the peacekeeping mission in this country. Viktor Yanukovych decided to relocate three military helicopters MI-24 from the 56th helicopter enclosure to the UN operation in Côte d'Ivoire and their participation in the performance of the tasks both on the territory of Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia on the permanent basis. The decision was based on the appeal of the UN Secretariat. Verkhovna Rada was expected to pass this bill and it finally did it.
Approval of the statements of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on European aspirations of Ukraine became a so called test on the ability of fractions to find broad inter-party compromises. Five projects of statements, concerning the problems of European integration, were included in the agenda of the Parliamentary Session on January 11, 2013. The representatives of UO Fatherland, UDAR party, Party of Regions, and unaffiliated deputy of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko offered their versions of the statements (draft Regulations # 1216, # 1195, #1153, #1194). There was also an attempt of the representatives of different fractions and individual unaffiliated deputies to agree on the statement and its text jointly (draft Resolution #1243). However, it was impossible to make a final decision because the Party of Regions insisted on the necessity of further reconciliation of the statement. 348 deputies forwarded all the draft Regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the repeated first reading. This king of compromise was supported by UO Fatherland, Party of Regions, AU Svoboda, and UDAR party. Communists did not vote for this decision. Readiness to consolidated positions, which was demonstrated by these four fractions, can potentially lead to the adoption of a consensus document on the European integration aspirations of Ukraine. This step of Ukrainian Parliament will be an important signal to the external political partners of Ukraine on the eve of EU-Ukraine Summit, which is planned for February 2013.
Draft law On Ratification of agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in preventing emergencies, fires and elimination of consequences in settlements, where the military objects of the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Federation are situated on the territory of Ukraine caused hot debated among the deputies. Oppositional fractions (UO Fatherland, UDAR, OU Svoboda) claimed that this agreement broadens the jurisdiction of legislature to the territory of Ukraine. It means that the Russian military officers, who take part in elimination of emergencies on the territory of Ukraine, will be subjugated to the legislation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, opposition believes that such treaties cannot be approved without solving other problems connected to the stay of the Russian Black Sea fleet. In turn, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and deputies supporting the government argued that the treaty on cooperation between Ukraine and Russia in preventing emergencies in settlements, where the military objects of the Black Sea fleet of the RF are situated, is a widespread international practice of efforts coordination for the rescue of people and property. Deputies failed to vote for adoption of this law during the first round. Only 222 deputies voted for this project. The Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine initiated the reconsideration of this draft law and it was ratified during the second reading.
Table 1. Distribution of the considered issues according to the key spheres of regulation
Source of initiative | Economy, money, and enterprise | Social problems and standards | Humanitarian problems | Political problems and public administration | Law enforcement system and justice | Foreign policy | Announcement of holidays and commemorative dates |
Deputy/Government/President | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18 | 1 | 9 | 0 |
Results of agenda items consideration according ot the source of legislative initiative:
The biggest number of issues, which were considered during the first Session of the Verkhovna rada of VII Convocation, constituted the draft legislative acts initiated by the representatives of the governing fractions and the President of Ukraine (9/9). All of them were supported by the deputies and got the necessary number of votes. Oppositional parties initiated only 2 decisions, one of which was adopted (On the election of the Deputy Head of the Verkhovna Rada) and the other (On amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine) was rejected. 4 draft laws were adopted and 1 (On support of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union) was sent for revision. These are only 5 draft laws out of 35, which were initiated jointly by the governing and oppositional deputies. Both draft laws initiated by the Government were supported by the majority of the deputies. Agenda items did not include any draft law initiated by the unaffiliated deputies. Thus, even after two months of lawmaking activity of the Verkhovna Rada, it is possible to make a forecasting argument - the President and the fraction, which support the government, have dominant influence on the priority formation of the agenda and on the key decision-making in the Ukrainian Parliament.
Table. 2. Distribution of the considered and adopted draft laws according to the source of legislative initiative
Source of legislative initiative | Approved | Rejected |
Deputies supporting the government | 9 | 0 |
Oppositional deputies | 1 | 1 |
Joint– deputies both from opposition and government | 5 | 1 (sent for revision) |
Unaffiliated deputies | 0 | 0 |
Government | 2 | 0 |
President of Ukraine | 9 | 0 |
Table 3. Correlation between registered and considered draft laws during the plenary meetings:
Source of legislative initiative | Registered | Considered | Considered(percent) |
Deputies | 458 | 17 | 4% |
President | 16 | 9 | 56% |
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine | 79 | 2 | 3% |
Total | 516 | 28 | 5% |
Parliamentary debates on resonance decisions/ draft laws
Arguments «For» and «Against»
Table 4. The main arguments of the people’s deputies regarding the decriminalization of the articles of CPC (draft law 1099, submitted by Shvets Viktor Dmytrovych) and draft law On amnesty (draft law 1206, submitted by Kozhemiakin Andrii Anatoliovych)
Name/Surname of the Deputy | Fraction/ unaffiliated | Position | Arguement |
A.Yatseniuk | UO Fatherland | FOR | Release of Y. Tymoshenk and Y. Lutsenko and their ability to take part in the political process are important for Ukraine. |
A.Yatseniuk | UO Fatherland | FOR | Articles of the CPC were written in the times of Stalin. |
A.Yatseniuk | UO Fatherland | FOR | Thousands of Ukrainians, including Y. Tymoshenk and Y. Lutsenko, suffer from the unlawful criminal persecutions. |
A.Yatseniuk | UO Fatherland | FOR | Decriminalization will enable Ukraine to release Y. Tymoshenk and Y. Lutsenko. |
A.Yatseniuk | UO Fatherland | FOR | Ukraine will be able to sign the Free Trade Zone Agreement with the EU and to become a state politically associated with its western partners. |
A.Kozhemiakin | AU Fatherland | FOR | UN Convention Against Corruption, which was ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Art. 19 recommends the member states to recognize the intentional abuse of power or position, thus recognize the actions or inaction, which constitute a breach of law by the state official at duty in order to receive any kind of wrongful benefit. |
A.Kozhemiakin | UO Fatherland | FOR | PACE Resolution 1862 (as of 26 January 2012) specifies that Articles 364 and 365 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) are widely used and allow criminalization of administrative decisions. This contradicts with the principle of supremacy of the law. |
A.Kozhemiakin | UO Fatherland | FOR | As of today 99 per cent of the convicted under Article 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine aimed to gain personal interest, used violence or tortured people. In 2012 352 criminal proceedings against law-enforcement officers were initiated. 53 people were arrested, amongst whom 42 police officers, who tortured people or illegally initiated criminal proceedings; 10 persons were materially interested and the only person – Yulia Tymoshenko - illegally convicted. |
V. Oliinyk | Party of Regions of Ukraine | Against | Criminal Code of Ukraine was adopted in 2002 in new edition and Y. Stalin has no relation thereto. Article 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine directly specifies the legal order: citizens of Ukraine have the right to act in the manner they find appropriate, unless it is prohibited by the law, whereas the officials and state authorities shall act on the legal grounds, within the law and in the way determined by the law. |
V. Oliinyk | Party of Regions of Ukraine | Against | Article 19 of the UN Convention against Corruption, fully complies with the disposition of Article 364 and prevents malpractice by the officials. |
A. Martyniuk | Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) | Against | Communist faction will not take part in batch voting since it appears to be a violation of the Rules. CPU can not support separate draft bills for political reasons. |
Voting results
For – 161, against – 3, abstained – 1, did not vote – 224, total – 389.
Party of Regions – 8; UO Fatherland – 75; UDAR party of Vitalii Klychko – 33; All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda – 34; CPU – 0, unaffiliated deputies – 11.
Table 5. Main arguments of the people’s deputies regarding dismissal of the head of the National Bank of Ukraine Serhiy Arbuzov and appointment of his successor Igor Sorkin
Name and surname of a people’s deputy | Faction/ Out-of-faction | Position | Arguments |
Jurij Miroshnichenko | Representative of the President in the the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine | FOR | Pursuant to Article 85, part 1, para.18 of the Constitution of Ukraine the President introduced dismissal of Serhiy Arbuzov from the position of the head of the National Bank of Ukraine. According to the Constitution and Rules of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU) consideration of President’ introduction does not provide for officials’ reporting. Authors of the draft laws on taxation of currency transactions are in VRU and did not act as the subjects of the legislative initiative. Reporting of the head of the National Bank is prescribed by the law, but is not in any way connected with the President’s of Ukraine introduction on dismissal of the head of the NBU. |
Arsenii Yatsenyuk | UO Fatherland | Against | Dismissal of the head of the NBU shall be made following his reporting. Opposition is interested in decrease of the state gold reserve in the amount of 14 billion U.S. dollars, increase of credit interest rates in the terms of deflation, withdrawal of foreign capital, foreseen national currency rate, as well as amendments to the monetary policy of the National Bank in 2013. Pursuant to Article 207 of the Rules of the VRU the issue regarding removal of the head of the NBU from his position shall be combined with the discussion of the results of the activities. |
O. Myrnyi | AU Svoboda | Against | It is required to have the head’s of the NBU report on decrease of the gold reserve by one-third, withdrawal of 686 million dollars from the financial market in the third quarter of 2012 and authors of the draft laws on 10 and 15 per cent individual exchange operations taxation heard. |
S.Kilinkarov | CPU | FOR | Opposition has many remarks to S. Arbuzov, therefore President’s introduction regarding his dismissal appears to be even more relevant. |
O. Kayda | AU Svoboda | Against | Certain questions to the head of the NBU still remain open, specifically, related to the sources of salary payments and expenses of 20-30 % of the gold reserve. Therefore, it is required to determine the issue and bring into the criminal responsibility provided that a theft took place. |
O. Ryzhenkov | PRU | FOR | According to Article 89 of the Constitution of Ukraine the Finance and Banking Committee, which is in charge of banking system functioning and determination of the relevant drafts and resolutions, shall be asked to determine the President’s introduction regarding appointment of Igor Sorkin. The nominee shall be discussed shall discussed given that the decision to support Sorkin was taken at the committee meeting as of 9 January. |
A. Illjenko | AU Svoboda | Against | The NBU as an institution shall play the key role in the state administration be independent together with its Head. Currently, the NBU serves the oligarchic groups interests and at the present moment appears to be the family (President’s) bank. There is no constructive program developed by the National Bank’s management, as well as clear external borrowings program.Igor’s Sorkin father is one of the Gasprom’s top managers, therefore, it is probable for the conflict of interests to exist. |
O. Turchynov | UO Fatherland | Against | Important is the voting, which will define, whether the NBU continues to be the pocket family bank, or return to its functions of the main country’s financial regulator. Mr. Sorkin’s declaration indicating income two million two hundred thousand for the past year, including 1.5 million of deputy head’s of the NBU salary witnesses the irrational expenditure of resources in comparison with low profits of population. |
P. Rozenko | UDAR | Against | Information from the nominee’s Sorkin speech surprise. Ukraine lost gold reserves: 1.5 billion - in October, in 1.5 billiom – in November, 1 billion in December evidencing concealed hryvnia devalvation.At the same time, the NBU builds new resorts, spends hundreds millions of hryvnias for new panoramic lifts and hydromassage equipment. |
Voting results
For – 231, against – 10, abstrained – 0, did not vote – 96, total - 337.
Party of Regions – 187; UO Fatherland – 0; UDAR – 0; AU Svoboda – 0; CPU – 31; unaffiliated deputies – 13.
Table 6. Main arguments of the people’s deputies with respect to approval of the President’s of Ukraine decision on deployment of the national contingent for Ukraine’s participation in the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire and trans boundary operations in the framework of cooperation between the UN Mission in Liberia and the UN Operation (draft law No.1192, introduced by the President of Ukraine)
Name and surname of a people’s deputy | Faction/Out-of-faction | Position | Arguments |
O. Kuzmuk | Party of Regions of Ukraine | FOR | Approval of this law will positively influence on increase of international weight of Ukraine, development of further cooperation with UN in peacekeeping and will contribute to gaining valuable experience in international operations by the servicemen of Armed Forces. Financing of expenses connected with participation of the peacekeeping forces is made from the State Budget of Ukraine with the subsequent reimbursement by the UN. |
O. Kuzmuk | Party of Regions of Ukraine | FOR | The Verkhovna Rada of 6th convocation approved the Law on additional social security guarantees for the servicemen-peacekeepers. In addition, this law contributed to the increase of servicemen’ material security practically to the level of all European countries with preservation of the respective official finance security in Ukraine. |
Y. Syrotyuk | AU Svoboda | FOR | If only several years ago we held the 10th place in the world by the number of the peacekeepers, currently, now we are 38th in the world. Participation of our peacekeepers is one of few opportunities to have the real military experience. Should we fail to approve this decision, the state shall allocate millions of UAH to redeploy these forces in Ukraine and these servicemen will remain without salaries and social guarantees. |
A. Martunyuk | CPU | FOR | Those, who shouted today that they would not vote and deploy, should recall a few years ago deployment to Iraq, their voting and words in support of such deployment. |
V. Lytvyn | Unaffiliated | FOR | The decision is correct, however, taken with parliamentary committee’s additions and clarification. Specifically, this Mission will be continued till 31 July 2013 and the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and other our agencies are entrusted to ensure security of our peacekeepers. |
S. Kaplin | UDAR | Against | In Cote d'Ivoire our boys will defend oligarchs’ interests, but not the people’s of Ukraine since our trade turnover with this country in connection with our presence is 150 millions and its structure (just think!) – fertilizers and metal. We send the boys to die for the purpose of our President’s another diplomatic standing. Ministries of defense and foreign affairs shall report on availability of direct strategy of our economic interests promotion in the place, where our boys perform the peacekeeping mission. |
V. Bondarenko. | UO Fatherland | Against | European, North American and other countries provided in the national law for the social security of people, who are sent there. Ukraine does not protect servicemen from the troubles, which will arise upon their return. |
M. Tomenko | UO Fatherland | Against | The most dangerous participation in military operations is involvement of armed helicopters, and namely armed helicopters represent Ukraine. They are not guarded with guns like certain countries do, but act in the framework of helicopter contingent with armed helicopters. The defense minister should have come and guarantee the return of every person alive. Again we are financing from the state budget, and again we are said: “Some day we will receive back.” How much was returned? And how much was spent on social security of our soldiers and officers deployed? |
Voting results
For – 266, against – 5, abstained – 41, did not vote – 80, total - 392.
Party of Regions – 184; UO Fatherland – 4; UDAR of Vitaliy Klitschko – 0; AU Svoboda – 34; CPU – 31; unaffiliated deputies – 13.
Table7. Main arguments of the people’s deputies with respect to approval of the Verkhovna Rada Declaration regarding implementation of European integration aspirations of Ukraine
Name and surname of a people’s deputy | Faction/ Out-of-faction | Position | Arguments |
A. Yatsenyuk | UO Fatherland | FOR | European integration of Ukraine is primarily non-visa regime for Ukrainian citizens. The reform and economic growth plan, which directly is the document on free trade zone and political association with the European Union, has already been prepared. Ukraine will not go back to the past, which is Soviet Union named the Customs Union. It is required to stop political prosecutions, amend the criminal law and give the Ukrainian state the opportunity to sign the agreement with the European Union holding head high. |
I.Gerashchenko | UDAR | FOR | Opposition is highly interested that the summit “Ukraine – EU” to be held in February is fruitful and successful, but not a formality. Party of Regions now has to support this declaration, which will create preconditions for successful and effective summit “Ukraine – EU”. |
S. Tihipko | Party of Regions | FOR | According to all sociological surveys most Ukrainians support European integration relying on better social policy standards, better business standards and better democracy standards. European Union has provided good signals of readiness to approach and assist Ukraine in approaching the European community. For this purpose it is appropriate to adopt the joint document. Do we support the depoliticized document (Party of Regions – OPORA), do we require time to approve the joint document. |
G. Nemyria | UO Fatherland | FOR | If we put to a vote all registered drafts, none of them will be voted, and this will be our joint defeat. European Integration Committee should be requested to prepare the joint agreed draft, which will include opinions of all political parties. |
G. Herman | Party of Regions | FOR | Should there be no total attempts and efforts of opposition to discredit Ukraine in the world, we would have the association with the European Union signed last year. Emissaries and “nemyragate” case, discussed in the whole world, prevented Ukraine from doing so. Members of the radical political force elected to the parliament also impede European integration. |
O. Pankevych | AU Svoboda | FOR | Draft declaration prepared by the Party of Regions is an attempt to conceal the actual activities in internal and foreign state policies. At the same time, Ukraine should be guided exclusively by its national interests, and, therefore, we may not agree with certain statements in the drafts. We believe that the document should not declare obligations, in particular, with respect to reforms without their detailed definition. |
A. Martyniuk | CPU | Against | Every draft declaration has politicized one-side direction and unilaterally complies with the Law “On Basic Grounds of Internal and Foreign Policy”. Except for European integration, cooperation with Russian Federation and other countries of Commomwealth of Independent States appears to be a strategic direction. These declarations reflect the opposite. |
Voting results on reference to the first re-reading of draft regulations #1216, #1195, #1153, #1194 and #1243 (regarding European aspirations of Ukraine)
For: 348, against: 0, abstained: 0; did not vote: 53, total: 401.
Party of Regions – 188; UO Fatherland – 76; UDAR – 35; AU Svoboda – 36; CPU – 0; unaffiliated – 13.
Table 8. Main arguments of the people’s deputies with respect to the draft Law of Ukraine “On Ratification of Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of Russian Federation on cooperation in preventing emergencies, fires and elimination of consequences in settlements, where military objects of the Black Sea Fleet of Russian Federation in the territory of Ukraine are located (draft law No. 0009, introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)
Name and surname of a people’s deputy | Faction/ Out-of-faction | Position | Arguments |
V. Pynzenyk | UDAR | Against | Article 9 of the Agreement provides for that if Ukraine requests Russia to assist in liquidation of consequences, all damages caused to individuals and legal entities by the requested party, shall be reimbursed by the requesting party. The Agreement lays down that servicemen of Black See Fleet shall be governed by the Russian law. Other country’s law may not be effective in the territory of Ukraine. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall be entrusted to additionally negotiate this agreement following excluding provisions regarding governance of other country’s law in the territory of Ukraine and supplementing the agreement with clauses regulating investigation of the causes of an accident and reimbursement of damages connected with deployment of the Black Sea Fleet of Russian Federation. |
V. Kyrylenko. | UO Fatherland | Against | It is not an agreement on how our emergency and Ministry of Defence forces, as well as other divisions will have access to the objects of the Black Sea Fleet deployment, but an agreement on Black Sea Fleet militants access to our objects and territory and going about their business. The Government does not raise questions about the problems of Black Sea Fleet presence. Why do more that 40 moorings continue to be illegally used by the Black Sea Fleet? Why does the Black Sea Fleet continue to illegally sublease more than 200 objects? |
O. Shevchenko | AU Svoboda | Against | By virtue of this agreement we consciously abandon our sovereign rights, in particular, to control our territory. We may not penetrate into our territory. For this purpose, a Commander’s of the Black Sea Fleet request is required. Pursuant to the provisions of international law, Ukraine is a sovereign state and controls its territory. However, this agreement replaces this state. To penetrate to our territory, we need the Commander’s of the Black Sea Fleet request. |
N. Shufrych | Party of Regions | FOR | It is a usual international practice when the requesting parties, and in this case irrespective of whether it is Russian or Ukrainian party, are primarily concerned about the people’s lives and health. From one hand, we should thank the representatives and rescue forces of the Black Sea Fleet for their readiness to help us. From the other hand, we are always ready to come and assist the representatives, staff members and servicemen of the Black Sea Fleet. |
Voting results
For – 228, against – 2, abstained – 1, did not vote – 17, total: 248.
Party of Regions – 194; UO Fatherland – 0; UDAR – 0; AU Svoboda – 0; CPU – 0; unaffiliated – 11.