The Civil Network OPORA has prepared a monitoring report on activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during January 2013. According to the monitoring results, All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland was the most active[1] parliamentary faction in law-making process and has submitted 86 bills. Most of the draft laws submitted by the opposition concerned law-enforcement and justice issues (22 draft laws). Some of them are directly related to the imprisonment of Yuliia Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko. In particular, to decriminalization of articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, under which former Prime Minister was sentenced, and actualization of the imprisonment issue. The Party of Regions turned out to be less active. Its representatives have submitted 30 draft laws, the majority ofwhich (18) concerned economic and financial issues. The number of draft laws submitted by the UDAR faction was slightly higher than the number of bills initiated by the party in power (16 bills): 6 on economic and financial issues, 5 – on humanitarian. The All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda has submitted 17 draft laws, 7 of which concerned financial and resource issues. At the same time, the Communist party was the most passive and submitted only 7 draft laws. They were equally related to the environment, security and defense, and introduction of holidays and memorable dates.
Member of All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland faction, Volodymyr Yavorivskyi, is on the top of the law-making activity rating among deputies. Still, most of the bills which he has submitted concerned the introduction of holidays and memorable dates. In contrast to December, when the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda has not submitted any bill, the faction's Head Oleh Tiahnybok has taken the second place in the individual parliamentary activity rating. As for Vitalii Klychko, Arsenii Yatseniuk, Serhii Mishchenko, and Anatolii Hrytsenko, they have submitted 8 draft laws each. MPs, which belong to governing parties, did not manage to get into the top three leaders in the rating. Members of parliament have also submitted 99 joint initiatives of the factions.
OPORA has also analyzed the content of parliamentary legislative activities. The results of the analysis are included in this report. Taking into consideration that the Verkhovna Rada has worked only 2 days of plenary session, the coefficient of its efficiency will be known only in February. The organization will continue watching parliamentary activities and informing society about the most interesting facts.
In January, the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland was the most active parliamentary faction in law-making activities. Opposition deputies have submitted draft laws on the following issues: introducing changes in the judicial and law-enforcement systems (22 bills); administration, economy and finances (19 bills); politics and state administration (15); social sphere (13); introduction of holidays and memorable dates (10); security and defense (2); foreign affairs (2). Such tendency proves that the opposition faction is focused on issues, which are directly or indirectly connected to the imprisonment of Yuliia Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko.
Volodymyr Yavorivskyi appeared to be the most active law-maker both in the faction and in the parliament during January. Still, most of his initiatives concerned the introduction of holidays and memorable dates. These issues are less socially important in comparison to social, economic, or legal issues. Nevertheless, the other draft laws submitted by the leader of legislative activity rating are quite creative. For example, Volodymyr Yavorivskyi proposed to amend the voting procedure for the consideration of bills concerning the inclusion of amendments to the Constitution, or its adoption in new edition. He argues that it is the way to prevent violation of the procedure for personal vote, which seems to be a quite doubtful solution of the problem. Mr. Yavorivskyi has also prepared a draft resolution on the creation of a Temporary investigation commission on the expediency of purchasing Hyundai high-speed trains in 2010, and concerning the observance of legislation during the withdrawal of particularly important land in Kyiv city. Both documents are extremely important, but their adoption may result in a social controversy. Still, the initiative concerning land in the capital does not provide any methods or instruments of its realization as well as legal consequences for unlawful withdrawal of the land.
Serhii Vlasenko is the author of the most doubtful initiatives. He has submitted draft laws on cancellation of the Law of Ukraine On Ukrainian Referendum, the Tax Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine On Measures to ensure the legislative reform of the pension system. The explanatory note to the abovementioned bills states that either the procedure for personal vote was violated during their adoption or the content of these laws is contradictory to the Constitution of Ukraine. Besides that, Mr. Vlasenko emphasized that some of these laws were drafted by the "leader of Ukrainian opposition Yuliia Tymoshenko". The deputy has also proposed to return the stake of the Ukrtelecom OJSC statutory fund in amount of 92.791 % to the state property, as well as a number of gas and gas transportation enterprises; to prohibit exporting the gas mined on the territory of Ukraine. Taking into consideration that there was no wide public discussion of these "complex" for the support of parliamentary majority initiatives, it is not likely that they will be successfully supported in the parliament.
Law-enforcement system and justice
Legislative initiatives concerning changes in judicial and law-enforcement systems, submitted by the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland, may be considered as a part of campaign to release Yuliia Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko. Most draft laws submitted by the faction initiated release of the opposition politicians, or secured their connection with the society. For example, Andrii Kozhemiakin has submitted a draft law on making amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Practice of Ukraine concerning implementation of the Article 19 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption to the national legislation. The deputy referred to the Resolution #1862 of 1/26/2012 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which states that Articles 364 and 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine are too wide in their application and allow post facto criminalization of normal political decision making. According to the author, the best example of law aimed at prevention of the abuse ofpower is the Article 19 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which should be also used in Ukrainian legislation. The initiative on decriminalization of articles is not new, but deputies of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland faction used new arguments to prove the inadmissibility of applying these articles against state officials in a criminal aspect. Members of Parliament Andrii Pavlovskyi and Oleksandr Bryhynets proposed to amend the Criminal Executive Code of Ukraine and give imprisoned the right to use mobile devices in penitentiary institutions. Such initiative will contribute to the communication of imprisoned with the external world, including Yuliia Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko.
The MP Hennadii Moskal has submitted a draft Resolution on the creation of a Temporary investigation commission of the VRU on investigation of violation of the Constitution of Ukraine and Ukrainian legislation during the process of detention and imprisonment of Yuliia Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko. To create a commission, at least one-third of the constitutional complement of the parliament should support the corresponding resolution. Thus, resolution submitted by Mr. Moskal may receive the necessary number of votes only from the opposition. Therefore, this commission will have a chance to draw attention to the illegal detention of politicians and the final decision of the European Court of Human Rights on Yuliia Tymoshenko's and Yurii Lutsenko's case.
Besides already mentioned initiatives, MPs of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland have submitted a number of draft laws aimed at precise interpretation of violations, mitigation of penalty for illegal handling of special technical means designed for secretly obtaining information; introduction of probation (to introduce probation measures instead of mild and moderate punishments and imprisonment: public works or correctional activities, medical treatment, convoy and supervision); responsibility of thieves in law (similar to a reform in Georgia, he proposed to introduce a concept of "thief in law" and provide the corresponding responsibility); increase of criminal penalties for bribery of inquisitors, prosecutors, and judges; introduction of a non-permit system for taking photography and video recording in the court; widening the circle of people and representatives in regions which have the right to visit institutions of preventive detention of citizens and prisons in order to prevent torture, without any accreditation; securing the publicity of the Single Register of Persons that Committed Corruption Violations and promulgation of all decisions taken by the courts of general jurisdiction without exception; abolition of the Tax police. We should pay special attention to the draft Resolution on execution of judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Oleksandr Volkov v. Ukraine (# 21722/11), submitted by the MP of Ukraine Mykola Katerynchuk. The reputable international institution has determined that dismissal of a Judge Mr. Volkov was unlawful in connection to violated voting procedure in the Parliament, and obliged Ukraine to restore the plaintiff to his post. Therefore, the implementation of this decision may become a legal precedent for abolition of a resolution, adoption of which was accompanied by a procedure violation, and became a ground for lodging similar appeals.
Administration, economics and finances
4 legislative initiatives out of 19 concerned the amendment of the 2013 State Budget, and have little chances to be adopted. The MP Tetiana Sliuz proposed to re-distribute budget costs in amount of 150 million in order to prevent traffic accidents on pavements. These costs would be spent on additional street lightning, signal lights, LED light for pedestrian crossings, and footbridges. The MP suggested that the Ministry of finance covered additional costs by reducing expenses on councilors and construction. In particular, on the construction of synthetic ice skate training facilities, housing for SBU servicemen, and state security of government bodies and state officials. MPs Andrii Pyshnyi and Petro Pavlo proposed to cut down allowance of MPs in order to reduce the state budget deficit at their expense. The authors initiated the suspension of a number of social guarantees provided to parliamentary members. In particular, allowances on benefits, improvement of health and housing conditions for MPs. Nevertheless, if there is no proper discussion of the initiative, it has little chances to be successfully supported, like a number of other initiatives proposed by preceding convocations of the VRU. Besides that, the draft law does nott provide the corresponding economic and financial planning, so there is no information about how much it is possible to save if it is adopted. Both candidates also proposed to regulate the budget policy in Ukraine, to determine its major principles and directions, and to amend the corresponding Code. According to the authors, the effective procedure does not provide participation of the parliament in drafting of the state budget, because the directions of financing are determined in an annual message of the President, and the Government groundlessly ignores directions approved by the VRU. The bill is quite urgent and pertains to the interests of a broad range of citizens. It also offers to solve the problem of non-transparent and, sometimes, irrational formation of the State Budget through fragmentary decisions.
A group of MPs, including Andrii Pavlovskyi, Oleksandr Bryhynets and Volodymyr Ariev, proposed to impose taxes on vehicles which may be considered as luxury items. Objects of taxation are: cars with engine capacity more than 3 510 cm3 and motorcycles with engine capacity more than 800 cm3 (rating 10% of the minimal salary for every 100 cm3); vessels (yachts and sailing crafts for leisure or sport, which falls under the number 8903 in Ukrainian Classification of Commodities for Foreign Economic Activity (UCCFEA)), which are registered in the State ship Register of Ukraine or the Vessel Register of Ukraine, equipped by a stationary or outboard motor (motors) with engine capacity more than 55 kW (besides those used for more than 20 years) – rating 10% of the minimal salary for every 1 kW of the engine(s) capacity; planes and helicopters, registered in the State register of civil aircraft of Ukraine or the State Aviation Register of Ukraine (rating 5% of the minimal salary for every kilogram of the maximum take-off weight).
Andrii Pavlovskyi and Ivan Kyrylenko have submitted a legislative initiative concerning the responsibility of a buyer for disregard of privatization provisions. The document is not political, and offers to regulate the control and secure responsibility for breach of enterprise purchasing agreement by a new owner up to returning it to the state. Still, taking into consideration that the document will pertain to interests of large financial groups, which are connected to the political center of decision-making in the country, it's not likely to be adopted.
The MP Hennadii Moskal has registered a legislative initiative with a view to regulate the financing of parties, improve the transparency of receipts, and establish liability for violation of regulations. The bill contains a detailed list of sources, which includes costs of parties, private and state financing. Besides that, private individuals and legal entities may provide voluntary donations in monetary and non-monetary transactions (such property shall be correspondingly assessed). Every donation has its own procedure for recording. The actual innovation of the bill is keeping a register of donors, both of private individuals and legal persons, which is later to be promulgated during an annual reporting of political parties. A fine is imposed for the violation of legislation. This urgent draft law partly implements recommendations of international institutions, in particular, OSCE/ODIHR, the Venice Commission, and PACE. Nevertheless, it is possible that the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland itself may ignore it. Some MPs have already stated, that publication of the information about all donors of the opposition may endanger their activities and, according to Andrii Shevchenko, can do harm the party.
Some bills submitted by the opposition MPs pertain to the procurement issues. In particular, Nemilostivyi Vitalii proposed to amend the Law of Ukraine On Public Procurement, and take into consideration not only the cost, but also the other indices during the review and evaluation of competitive bids and tender. Hennadii Zubko proposed to simplify procedures of food procurement for preschool institutions. However, the draft law and explanatory note are quite general, and don not secure prevention of abuses.
Politics and state administration
Members of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland faction have submitted 15 draft laws pertaining to the politics and state administration. Bills from this group are the most interesting and diverse by directions of influence. So, Tetiana Sliuz proposed to regulate the Law of Ukraine On the Status of National Deputies and shorten the period for consideration of parliamentary inquiries from 10-15 days to 5, as it is provided by the Law of Ukraine On Access to Public Information. This initiative is quite reasonable and should be correspondingly supported in the parliament, in contrast to the draft law concerning personnel policy in legislative, executive bodies and in law-enforcement bodies. The MP proposed to establish requirements for education qualification levels of executives and politicians, and implement the principle of personnel hierarchy. Ms. Sliuz proposed to permit the recruitment of the national level officials only among individuals which have corresponding experience in the local bodies. Besides that, in the draft law on making amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Preventing and Combating Corruption, Tetiana Sliuz proposed to expand and supplement restrictions on the employment of close friends and relatives on positions in executive bodies, even on the national level and in local departments. The MP has also submitted a legislative initiative concerning the regulation of the Verkhovna Rada. In particular, Ms. Sliuz have referred to the resolution of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Volkov v. Ukraine, and proposed more strict counteraction to violations of the law on individual voting of every MP. According to her, places of MPs which were not elected should be blocked and placed in front of the presidium, and photography and video recording should be considered as adequate evidence. However, Ms. Sliuz has not specified how and where such evidences of non-personal voting may be used.
The MP Derevianyi Vasyl has registered amendments to the Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine On Protection of Cultural Heritage, which implies that state officials are forbidden to be members of scientific and methodological advisory boards. Therefore, the parliamentarian proposed to overcome the conflict of interests and minimize the influence of state officials on specialists, taking into consideration the fact that the latter often depend on the officials due to their profession. Therefore, resolutions of such advisory bodies make the interested parties' position legitimate.
Despite of being politicized, the initiative of MPs Andrii Pavlovskyi and Oleksandr Bryhynets concerning the Law On making amendments to the Article 26 (1) of the Law of Ukraine On Road Traffic regarding temporary limitation or prohibition of vehicle traffic when driving individuals under state protection, is called to solve topical issues. Even if this initiative could have been supported by citizens, particularly in the capital, it is unlikely that it will be supported in the parliament.
The other MPs proposed to enhance the level of transparency and openness. In particular, transparency of the mass media ownership, and realization of principles of the state policy in the spheres of television and radio broadcasting (Mykola Kniazhytskyi and Mykola Tomenko). Besides that, to secure (in the Law of Ukraine On Local Self-Government) the rights of citizens on unrestricted attendance at meetings of local councils, photography and video recordings (Anatolii Hrytsenko). The initiatives mentioned above are socially important, but their consideration should be correspondingly covered in the information campaign in order to improve the efficiency of voting in the Verkhovna Rada.
Social issues and standards
In contrast to political, legal, and economic issues, social issues received little attention of parliamentary members in January. Such tendency is true for the majority of factions, and does not reflect election programs, declared by parties during the campaign. The All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland has submitted 13 draft laws.
The deputy group consisting of Andrii Pavlovskyi, Oleksandr Turchynov, Valerii Dubil proposed to amend Articles 7, 8, and 9 of the Law of Ukraine On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2013 and increase the minimum for subsistence and subsistence wages since April, 2013. The authors proposed to deprive the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the right to establish the size and order of paying benefits, compensations, and other social allowances to the certain categories of citizens. In this document, the deputies also initiated an amendment to the Law of Ukraine On Preschool Education, and proposed to clearly state that expenses on food for the pupils are covered by the cost of the State budget.
The deputy Valerii Syshkevych proposed to amend the procedure for calculating military pensions. In particular, to protect the rights of servicemen in case the level of pension was inaccurately calculated by the corresponding Pension fund. Volodymyr Boiko proposed to give members of personal peasant farms the status of an employee and provide social protection for them, including unemployment benefits in case the principal place of work is lost. Volodymyr Bondarenko proposed to amend the Article 122 of the Criminal Executive Code of Ukraine, and assign pensions to the convicted individuals during serving a sentence in prison.
In January, the Party of Regions has submitted 30 draft laws, 60% of which (18 bills) concerned economic or administrative issues. 40% (12 bills) of legislative initiatives pertain to the other five directions determined by the OPORA (not including introduction of holidays). There were no draft laws concerning foreign affairs in January, and only five (19%) may be regarded as humanitarian or social. Yurii Voropaiev turned out to be the most active MP in the faction. He has submitted 5 draft laws in economic sphere; all of them were dealing with regulation of the performance of legal entities. Yevhen Sihal, the colleague of Yurii Voropaiev, has personally submitted three draft laws, two of which are on the lease of land, and one – on establishment of temporary suspension of taxes for entities that purchase imported natural gas (#2100).
Two of these draft laws are resolutions proposing to establish Temporary investigation commissions (2025, 2056). Both documents propose the complement of commissions consisting of 9 people, 4 of which should be representatives of the Party of Regions; 2 – of the All-Ukrainian Union fatherland; the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, the UDAR party, and the Communist Party of Ukraine – one representative each.
In draft resolution #2025, initiated by MPs of Ukraine Volodymyr Mysyk, Yevhen Murayev, Anatoliy Denysenko, which are members of the Party of Regions, it is proposed to create a Temporary investigation commission to hold an inquiry into the case of coercing a minor to sexual intercourse in an unnatural way, and involvement of the MP of the Fatherland faction Arsen Navakov in this case. It is interesting, that all three deputies, which have initiated the corresponding resolution, represent Kharkiv oblast, as well as Arsen Avakov himself. According to the draft law, facts for initiation of the investigation authors have taken from the mass media.
The draft Resolution on the creation of a Temporary investigation commission #2056 was registered by the Party of Regions faction member Volodymyr Oliinyk. He proposed to investigatethe facts of pressure and menace used to address the judges of the European Court of Human Rights by Yuliia Tymoshenko. According to the project of Volodymyr Oliinyk, all the facts for investigation were broadcasted in the mass media. The resolution itself provides quite an interesting division of executive positions. In case the Commission will be created by the Verkhovna Rada, the position of the Commission's Head is proposed to be given to a member of the Party of Regions, position of the Deputy Head – to a representative of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
The draft law submitted by Oleh Tsariov (#2067) On stimulation of the domestic food market, is unlikely to be supported. He proposed to limit premises of shops in the cities to 300 square meters. All shops which premises are larger than 300 square meters will have to move outside the city (5000 meters from the boundary or more). He also proposed to increase the percentage of domestics in shops for not less than 80% and to prohibit trading networks to sell more than 10% of all goods for one network in an administrative unit. The most interesting is a proposition that this draft law should come into the effect on the next day after its publication.
Among legislative initiatives, which were registered in January, two are competing with each other (#1208, submitted by the MP Anatolii Denysenko, and #1208-1 – by Denys Omelianovych). The draft law #1208 complicates schemes of allotment of agricultural land and land covered with woods, and the draft law #1208-1 contains a proposal to abolish it.
The Verkhovna Rada has registered an initiative submitted by Vadym Kolesnichenko (#2103) in which he proposed to obligate the Committee on the rule of law and justice to examine submitted to the VR draft regulations for compliance with the rule of law, and to prevent narrowing of the meaning and scope of existing rights and freedoms of man and citizen. We should mention that Vadym Kolesnichenko is a member of the above-mentioned Committee.
OPORA has not noticed any increase in the legislative activity of the Party of Regions. This faction has registered 29 draft laws in December, and 27 in January. However, OPORA has noticed that priorities have shifted from humanitarian and social issues to economic.
In January 2013, 17 draft laws submitted by18 non-faction deputies (18 draft laws were brought in by parliamentary members themselves, and one has a joint authorship of two deputies) were registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Similarly to December 2012, most of the bills were submitted by Serhii Mishchenko (8). Viktor Baloha has registered 7 draft laws in January.
According to the regulatory function, non-faction deputies were mostly interested in economic and humanitarian issues. Besides that, a considerable part of these bills are socially resonant and have political implications (resonant problems in language and education policy, gas agreements with Russia, subventions to solve local problems, etc.).
Law-making activities of non-faction MPs are also influenced by their election promises or local problems in election districts. For example, non-faction MPs Volodymyr Lytvyn, Ihor Yeremeiev and Stepan Ivakhiv have initiated draft laws on the improvement of language policy, as long as this issue was topical in their election campaigns. Serhii Mishchenko actively registers draft laws aimed at solving problems in his election district. Viktor Baloha has initiated a number of draft laws aimed at development of education sphere in Ukraine, and this issue is extremely topical in society now. At the same time, an excessive diversity of draft laws submitted by non-faction deputies is disturbing, when one deputy is introducing projects with absolutely different regulatory functions. Such fact may indicate the pretentious intentions of authors of bills, as long as they do not have enough political influence to implement their initiatives.
In January 2013, the organization has noted a tendency of introducing draft laws, which solve single-sphere problems (Ihor Palytsia, Viktor Tymoshenko).
Economics, finances, and administration
The MP Viktor Tymoshenko proposed to remove regulations on electricity supply, distribution of water, steam, and hot water, procured by administrators of budget funds, from the Law of Ukraine On Public Procurement.The deputy based his initiative on the fact that these services are provided by monopolists and, therefore, they do not fulfill the efficient principles of procurement.
The MP Viktor Baloha has initiated acceleration of installation of gas-meters at the cost of supplier. According to the effective legislation, gas-meters are to be installed in 2016-2018. Viktor Baloha proposed to set a deadline of October 2013, and secure additional mechanisms for consumer protection.
The MP Sehii Mishchenko finds it necessary to make amendments to the State budget of Ukraine for 2013 in order to provide local budgets with subventions in the amount of 10 million UAH to reimbursement of the difference in tariffs of Public Utility of Heat Networks Boryspilteplomerezha. This initiative is explained by an unsatisfactory condition of the communal enterprise.
The MP Oleh Liashko has registered a draft Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to order the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to appeal to Arbitration Court of Stockholm in order to cancel the agreement of the effective gas contract between Ukraine and Russia.
The MP Sehii Mishchenko proposed to strengthen accountability for violation of principles of economic competition in circulation of milk, sugar, and grain. According to the MP, monopolists and sole proprietors have repeatedly violated resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on minimal prices on milk, sugar, and other production.
The MP Ihor Palytsia has initiated a draft law on improvement of the waste management policy and optimization of the powers of executive bodies in this sphere.
Humanitarian issues
The MP of Ukraine Viktor Baloha has registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine three draft laws in the sphere of education: 1) Draft law On higher education; 2) Draft law On providing additional benefits for institutions of higher education and scientific institutions; 3) Draft law On expansion of the list of goods for institutions of higher education and scientific institutions, which are imported to Ukraine at preferential customs duties.
The draft law On higher education, submitted to the parliament by Viktor Baloha, was developed by a working group, which is chaired by the rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' M.Z. Zhurovskyi. The draft law is introduced as a consensus document, which was publicly discussed for a long time and was approved by a number of NGOs. The other two draft laws are related to providing tax and customs benefits to institutions of higher education and extension of their rights in this sphere. In particular, Viktor Baloha proposed to exempt Ukrainian universities from taxes on land and profits tax.
Non-faction MPs Volodymyr Lytvyn – on one side, and Ihor Yeremeiev with Stepan Ivakhiv – on the other, have proposed their ways to improve the language policy in Ukraine.
The effective Law of Ukraine On Principles of State Language Policy is negatively assessed in both draft laws, and is proposed to be canceled. Besides cancellation of the effective law, former Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn has proposed an alternative way to regulate the official and other languages. Majoritarian deputies from Volyn oblast Ihor Yeremeiev and Stepan Ivakhiv have proposed only to recognize that the Law of Ukraine On Principles of State Language Policy has lost its validity.
Social issues and standards
The Deputy Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, member of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda Ruslan Koshulynskyi, which is non-faction by the position, proposed to strengthen requirements to the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, beer and tobacco.
The vice-speaker Mr. Koshulynskyi proposed in his draft law to increase the minimum age for purchase of alcoholic beverages, beer and tobacco products from 18 to 21 years, to establish quotas on the number of licenses on retail sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco in settlements depending on the number of citizens. Besides that, the law includes regulations on the increase of the minimum allowable space for the sale of alcohol and beer from 20 to 30 square m.
The MP of Ukraine Sehii Mishchenko proposed to amend the State budget of Ukraine for 2013 and provide local budgets with subventions for the construction of housing for servicemen in Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky raion of Kyiv oblast.
This raion is a part of the election district in which Serhii Mishchenko was chosen.
Law-enforcement system and justice
The MP of Ukraine Serhii Mishchenko proposed to strengthen accountability for deliberately failing to provide assistance to a helpless person or to a person in danger. The effective Criminal Code of Ukraine provides a liability for deliberately failing to provide assistance to person whose life is endangered, which resulted in serious bodily injury. Mr. Mishchenko thinks that similar accountability should be secured in the Code of Administrative Offences (deliberately failing to provide assistance, but without serious consequences).
The MP of Ukraine Serhii Mishchenko has initiated changes to the Code of Administrative Offences, aimed at ensuring liability for the illegal use of special signal devices.
In January 2013, the UDAR party members initiated 16 bills in the Verkhovna Rada (6 bills more thann last month). Members of the UDAR party concentrated on financial and economic issues – a half of submitted draft laws (8). State administration and social policy became less popular issues in legislative activities of the UDAR party members – 3 and 2 bills respectively. In December 2012, on the contrary, these very issues dominated in draft laws which were submitted by representatives of the UDAR party. The humanitarian sphere remained unconsidered by the UDAR party. In January, as well as in the previous month, it has not submitted any draft law in humanitarian sphere. In general, draft laws which were initiated by the UDAR party members in January, conform to the election program of the party. Still, they do not cover the whole range of promises given to the voters.
Viktor Pynzenyk, who was elected during six convocations of the parliament, became the absolute leader in faction by the number of submitted bills in January 2013. He has initiated 6 of 16 draft laws from the UDAR. It's quite predictable that all draft laws of an Honored Economist of Ukraine V. Pynzenyk are related to economic and financial issues.
Experienced jurists Valerii Karpuntsov and Vitalii Kovalchuk (Deputy Head of the UDAR faction) have initiated less draft laws – 3 from each deputy. Still, besides one draft law submitted by Karpuntsov (improvement of the legislation in the field of property assessment), other bills were commonly drafted with his faction colleagues. Leader of the party Vitalii Klychko participated in drafting of 2 legal documents – a draft resolution on realization of European integration of Ukrainian citizens and a draft law on the rights of parliamentary members in relation to local governmental bodies.
Economics, finances, and administration
6 of 8 draft laws in economic field submitted by the UDAR were initiated by Viktor Pynzenyk himself. Most of his draft laws are virtually connected and aimed at creation of a favorable investment climate, and securing equal conditions for all investors in particular. In the draft law #1228 of 1/10/2013 he proposed to remove subparagraph 10 in the paragraph 4 of the Customs Code of Ukraine, which creates unequal conditions for investors by providing to some of them more favorable conditions of taxation when importing goods (in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine). At the same time, in draft law #1227 of 1/10/2013, it was proposed to introduce changes to the Tax Code of Ukraine and remove all regulations which enable investors, in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, to receive better taxation conditions than those available to the others. In the draft law #1226 of 1/10/2013, it was proposed to repeal the Law On Incentives for Investment Activity in Priority Industries to Create New Jobs. According to the initiator of the draft law, the effective Law creates discriminatory investment conditions. We remind that the Central scientific expert office did not support the adoption of the Law On Incentives for Investment Activity in Priority Industries in such wording in its resolution last year.
Another two bills drafted by Mr. Pynzenyk are aimed at prevention of accumulation of public debt. In the draft law #1222 of 1/9/2013, he proposed to remove from the Tax Code norms, which give the executive authorities and banking institutions the right to issue financial bill of exchange, in order to register the current debt of the state budget. In the draft law #1229 of 1/10/2013 it is proposed to remove paragraphs of the Law On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2013, which allow main managers of budget costs to make expenditures that exceed amounts approved in the budget law. The reason is that such regulation contradicts tothe Article 95 of the Constitution of Ukraine.
Members of the UDAR party also want to resist monopolization of the market valuation services in valuation of property and land. In order to reach this goal, it has developed two other economic draft laws, one of which was submitted by Valerii Karpuntsov (#1234 of 1/10/2013), and the other by Ruslan Solvar (#1238 of 1/10/2013).
A special feature of economic bills drafted by the UDAR party is their concrete character. They do not provide reforming of the whole sphere, but regulate the certain issues in financial and economic life.
Politics and state administration
In the bill #1255 of 1/11/2013, submitted by a group of deputies from the UDAR party, it is proposed to make amendments to the Law On the Status of National Deputy of Ukraine and give parliamentary members the right to participate in meetings of village, town, district, and oblast councils without prior consent of the relevant council. Therefore, the UDAR party wants to improve the controlling function of MPs on the level of local governments. A part of parliamentary control is a request of the UDAR party members to hear a report of the Cabinet of Ministers on its activities in 2012 during the plenary meeting of the VRU. To reach this goal, they have registered the corresponding draft Resolution #1217 of 1/9/2013.
The draft law #2120 of 1/29/2013 is a reaction to an urgent issue of procedure violations during shortened discussion of agenda of plenary sessions in the Parliament. It is proposed to amend the order of taking decisions on the shortened procedure of discussion and extend the list of issues which cannot be considered by a shortened procedure of discussion. The corresponding changes shall be secured in the rules of procedure of the Verkhovna Rada.
Social issues and standards
The group of deputies from the UDAR faction, apparently, in order to keep their election promises, have registered a bill (#1236 of 1/10/2013) aimed at securing equal principles of giving pensions in Ukraine and observance of social justice. It is proposed in the bill to amend some Laws so that the President of Ukraine, parliamentary members of all convocations, former government members, received the pension in accordance with the Law of Ukraine On General Mandatory State Pension Insurance. In such wording, the draft law has populist features and, therefore, it is unlikely that it will be correspondingly supported by the parliamentary members.
Foreign affairs
At the beginning of January 2013, deputies of the UDAR party have registered in the Verkhovna Rada a draft resolution (#1195 of 1/4/2013), in which it is proposed to adopt the statement On the realization of European aspirations of Ukrainian people and signing Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. According to the text of the statement, Ukrainian parliament would have to become politically liable for the adoption of the Election Code, and taking legislative measures to prevent political repression (in particular, concerning Yu, Tymoshenko and Yu. Lutsenko), as well as legislatively secure the implementation of reforms in 2013, which are provided by the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda. Content of the statement does notmeet the election program of the UDAR party, but it obviously demonstrates political priorities of the UDAR faction in the Parliament.
In contrast to the previous month when Svoboda members did not introduce a single bill to the Parliament, deputies of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda registered 14 bills in the Verkhovna Rada in January 2013. Half of the bills (7 of 14) initiated by the Svoboda faction deal with financial and economic issues. The deputies were somewhat less interested in social problems (3) and the matters of public administration — 2 registered bills. By a strange coincidence, Svoboda members (as well as the Communists) concerned about environmental issues and natural resource management more than any other faction, and registered 2 bills. Humanitarian issues were not even included in the legislative agenda of the Svoboda during the first months of the Parliament despite the fact that an entire block in the party's election program is devoted to this subject.
Head of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda faction, Oleh Tiahnybok, who received medical and legal education, has submitted the biggest number of bills. His authorship is indicated in 5 legal acts. In particular, he participated in preparation of the most populist (in terms of content) bills of Svoboda — on abolition of the pension reform, returning offshore assets, and liquidation of private monopolies. However, none of these documents has been submitted by O. Tiahnybok himself but together with colleagues from the faction. Instead, Iryna Sekh (Head of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda faction in Lviv Oblast) has independently initiated 3 of 4 submitted bills. All of them concern her field of expertise — environmental issues. Also, deputies Mykhailo Holovko (received economic education, former deputy of Ternopil Oblast Council) and Andrii Mokhnyk (Deputy Head of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda) prepared 4 bills each. Almost all their bills have been prepared jointly with other members of Svoboda except the bill on strengthening of the actions against abuse in the area of sales, consumption, and advertising of beer, alcohol, and low-alcohol drinks. The latter was prepared by M. Holovko independently.
Economics, finances, and administration
Guided directly by the provisions of their election program on the need to „liquidate private monopolies and oligopolies“, the deputies of the Svoboda party have introduced to the Verkhovna Rada the bill of the same name (#1250 of 11/01/2013), drafted by Oleh Tiahnybok, Mykhailo Holovko, and Andrii Mokhnyk. The document provides a procedure for liquidation of private monopolies, if the share of natural or legal person on the national and/or regional market of goods (works, services) exceeds 25 per cent. Private monopolies can voluntarily give up some of their facilities which exceed the limit of monopolisation. Failure of voluntary liquidation leads to forced liquidation to be applied to private monopolies by the State Property Fund of Ukraine selling all the property of a private monopoly. From the content of the document, it is clear that initiators of the bill failed to assess social, economic, or any other consequences of the adoption of the Law. The bill is clearly populist as it proposes a far too simplistic and one-sided approach to solving a very important problem of unfair competition and monopolization of the economy
Another, badly thought-out in terms of practical implementation but politically resonant, is bill #1248 of 11/01/2013, drafted by the above-mentioned Tiahnybok, Holovko, and Mokhnyk as well as Oleksii Kaida. The document sets an obligatory procedure for the return of capital registered in the Republic of Cyprus, offshore, and other jurisdictions exempted from double taxation, or those with preferential tax treatment. Under the bill, natural and/or legal persons who own the above-mentioned capital shall voluntarily transfer the title to business entities engaged in business activities in Ukraine within three months from the date the Law entered into force. In case of failure to return the capitals in the manner and period prescribed, respective natural and legal persons shall be excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal and Natural Persons (Entrepreneurs), and their rights transferred to the state. Obviously, Svoboda deputies consider this particular bill a tool to implement another election promise, „To hold liable persons who brought capital offshore, return it to Ukraine, and pay all their taxes required.“ However, it seems unlikely to implement this promise in such way.
The bill #1249 of 11/01/2013 by Tiahnybok, Holovko, Mokhnyk, and Kaida closes the list of the most populist legislative initiatives of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda. The document provides for simplification of the procedure of state registration of small businesses reducing it just to opening an account in a state banking institution in order to engage in business activities. Opening of such account is proposed to be considered the moment of state registration of a natural person (natural persons) as a business entity.
The other three business laws of Svoboda intend to reduce the tax burden of sale of motor vehicles, keep environmental tax in local budgets, and save agricultural manufactures from fines.
Bill #2121 of 29/01/2013 proposes to amend the Tax Code of Ukraine by abolishing income tax for natural persons from the sale of motor vehicles. In particular, income received from the sale (exchange) of a motor vehicle and/or a motorcycle or a moped, whose price is below the price it was bought at, shall not be taxable regardless of the number of such items sold within one reporting (tax) year.
Bill #2126 of 29/01/2013 shall amend the Budget Code and return to the distribution of funds of the environmental tax provided for by the Budget Code of Ukraine at the time of its adoption — without a gradual reduction of interest of payments of the environmental tax to a special fund of local budgets.
Bill #2101 of 25/01/2013 proposes to amend some legislative acts to allow agricultural producers (owners or tenants of agricultural lands) operate without land use which provide environmental and economic assessment of crop rotation and land management until 2015 if their activities do not cause soil exhaustion. This proposal of Svoboda members is caused, in particular, by the fact that on 1 January 2013, certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Maintaining Soil Fertility came into force, according to which the use of agricultural land without land use projects that provide environmental and economic assessment of crop rotation and land management of the area of over 100 hectares entails significant fines. According to the data used by initiators of the bill, only 1.47% of agricultural producers operating in Ukraine have appropriate land use planning documents, and 7.56% of entities entered into agreements on their development.
Social issues and standards
The main objective of the bill #1247 of 11/01/2013 called On Measures to Eliminate the Budget Deficit of the Pension Fund of Ukraine is to set a five to one ratio of the largest to the smallest pension. Persons who have been granted pension (monthly lifetime allowance) before this Law came into force, and the amount of which exceeds five minimal amounts of pension, shall pay a contribution to the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the amount of difference between the amount of pension granted to them and five minimal amounts of pension. In addition to that, in the bill, without proper justification, it is also suggested to abolish the so-called pension reform. Thus, in the future law (the size of one page), Svoboda deputies intend to implement two election promises of the party at the same time — „abolish unfair pension reform“, and „establish a direct relationship of the amount of pension on employment record and the allowed five to one ratio of the maximum to the minimum pension for a joint pension system. “All this gives grounds to doubt that the bill in this form can be voted, or let alone implemented.
One of the most detailed and justified bills is the bill by Mykhailo Holovko (#2062 of 21/01/2013) on strengthening the actions against abuse in the area of sales, consumption, and advertising of beer, alcohol, and low-alcohol drinks. The document, in particular, proposes to establish a complete ban on the sale of alcohol at night (except cafés and restaurants), restrict the issuance of licenses for trading alcohol (i.e. one license for twenty thousand people at a location), expand the list of places where the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is banned etc.
Ecology and Natural Resource Management
Initiatives of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda in the environmental field are directly related to the activities of Iryna Sekh holding the office of Head of the Committee on Environmental Policy, Natural Resource Management, and Elimination of Consequences of the Chornobyl disaster. In January, by submission of I. Sekh, two draft resolutions on holding parliamentary hearings on the following subjects — Environmental Problems of Shale Gas Mining in Ukraine (#2030 of 17/01/2013) and On the State, Activities, and Prospects of Elimination of Consequences of the Chornobyl disaster (#2031 of 17/01/2013) were registered.
Politics and state administration
One of the legislative initiatives of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda is directly aimed at protecting the interests of local self-government bodies in Ukraine. In the draft regulation #2058 of 21/01/2013, it is proposed to set a moratorium on the adoption of new laws or amendments to existing laws and other legal acts that narrow down the content and scope of powers of local self-government. The moratorium shall remain in force until the adoption and coming into force of the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine on authorities and local self-government.
In January, members of the parliamentary faction of the Communist Party of Ukraine registered only 7 bills, which is almost six times less than in December 2012. Significantly, social problems dominating in election promises of the Communists were not a priority in lawmaking of the CPU during this period.
Only one bill on social issues was introduced by the Communists in the Parliament (#1231 of 10/01/2013 On Amendments to Final Provisions of the Law of Ukraine On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2013). According to the Communist deputies, the Law of Ukraine On the State Budget for 2013 complies neither with the Constitution nor with the Law of Ukraine On the Status and Social Security of Citizens Who Suffered from the Chornobyl Disaster since it allows the Cabinet of Ministers to change the amount of payments and pensions provided by the Law. Therefore, the bill proposes to require the Cabinet of Ministers to pay social benefits (for citizens who suffered from the Chornobyl disaster) only in the amount provided by the Laws.
Instead, the key focus of deputies of the Communist Party, oddly enough, was devoted to environmental issues and natural resource management. The deputies registered 2 respective bills in the Parliament, one of which (#2017 of 15/01/2013) is aimed at strengthening the actions against rabies, and the other one (#2018 of 15/01/2013) prohibits hunting with the use of lead meal on wetlands of international importance. Both bills were registered on the initiative of Oleksandr Holub.
Traditionally, the Communists have not ignored cultural or ideological issues. In particular, bill #1237 of 10/01/2013 proposes to commemorate nationally the 95th anniversary of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (VLKSM). Another bill (#2039 of 15/01/2013) proposes to regulate state activities in the area of military and memorial work.
Against the backdrop of such low lawmaking productivity of the Communist Party, even the achievements of the most active Communist deputies do not impress. Leaders by the number of initiated bills in January 2013 turned out to be People's Deputy of five convocations of the VRU and a journalist by profession Oleksandr Holub (2 bills), and a very experienced Communist, who has been Deputy of the Ukrainian Parliament for already 18 years, Petro Tsybenko (2 bills). The absolute leader in the number of registered bills in December 2012 (33 documents), the party leader Petro Symonenko did not initiate a single bill in January 2013.
Thus, compared to the previous month, the level of legislative activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine dropped significantly in January — 33 bills against 6, respectively. Only three deputies of the CPU (Oleksandr Holub, Petro Tsybenko, and Omelian Parubok) out of 32 present in the Verkhovna Rada initiated bills independently. Another four Communists (Victoria Babych, Larysa Baidiuk, Oleksandr Zubchevskyi, and Oleksandr Prysiazhniuk) joined the legislative initiatives of their colleagues at the faction. The remaining 25 deputies of the faction of the Communist Party showed no activity in this regard. Financial and economic, social, and humanitarian issues, in which the Communists were most interested in December 2012, disappeared from the agenda of lawmaking of the CPU in January 2013. Another four Communists (Victoria Babych, Larysa Baidiuk, Oleksandr Zubchevskyi, and Oleksandr Prysiazhniuk) joined the legislative initiatives of their colleague at the faction. The remaining 25 deputies of the faction of the Communist Party showed no activity in this regard. Financial and economic, social, and humanitarian issues, in which the Communists were most interested in December 2012, disappeared from the agenda of lawmaking of the CPU in January 2013.
Bills jointly prepared and introduced to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by representatives of different factions are an interesting material for analysis and forecasting of parliamentary compromises. In January 2013, there were 99 draft laws of Ukraine and regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered, jointly prepared by members of different factions.
Most of inter-factional projects concern the announcement of special local elections (73 bills). Therefore, OPORA classified them as issues of politics and public administration. These documents were prepared by members of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On National Building and Local Self-Government Davyd Zhvaniya, Oleh Paraskiv (the Party of Regions), Nataliya Novak (UDAR), Ruslan Kniazevych, Volodymyr Bondarenko (All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland), Oleh Syrotiuk (All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda), and Olha Mykhailenko. Draft Regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the announcement of special local elections are a consensus decision of the relevant committee, therefore they have a good chance to be supported by the Parliament. 7 inter-factional bills concern the issues of the law enforcement system and justice, 6 — humanitarian issues, 5 — economy, finance, and administration, 2 — social issues and standards, and 1 — foreign policy.
In the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the seventh convocation, the practice of joint introduction of publicly resonant bills by the representatives of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland, UDAR, and the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda has been established. Other forms of inter-factional bills, including participation of the Party of Regions and the CPU, mostly concern certain industry problems and interests.
Politics and state administration
The most resonant bill in this area has become the legislative initiative on establishing criminal liability for violation of the voting procedure at the plenary sessions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and local councils. By this bill, leaders of the factions of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland (Arsenii Yatseniuk), UDAR (Vitalii Klychko), and the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda (Oleh Tiahnybok) have initiated the use of strict measures to violators of the voting procedure in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and local councils. In particular, a People's Deputy of Ukraine who voted for another deputy, or passed his card to other persons for unlawful voting, can face imprisonment for the period from five to eight years including the deprivation of right to hold certain offices or engage in certain activities for the period from three to five years. For similar violations, it is proposed to imprison deputies of local councils for the period of up to five years including the prohibition to hold certain offices for the period from three to five years.
Unaffiliated deputies Victor Baloha and Vasyl Petiovka, and a member of the faction of the Party of Regions Pavlo Baloha have initiated amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Principles of Domestic and Foreign Policy, which should set a ban for civil servants to express opinions contrary to the content hereof during the performance of their official duties.
A member of the faction of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland Mykola Tomenko, and an unaffiliated deputy Serhii Mishchenko propose to exclude from the list of powers of the NBU Board the right to make decisions on special methods of wage determination for Head of the NBU and his deputies, forms of wage, and define the list of positions independently. This initiative, according to the deputies, is caused by unreasonable amount of wages of the NBU management.
Law-enforcement system and justice
Oppositional factions were actively submitting joint projects concerning the issues of reforming the law enforcement system and justice. The draft Law of Ukraine On Amnesty in 2013 by Arsenii Yatseniuk, Vitalii Klychko, and Oleh Tiahnybok was registered in the Parliament. The actors of the legislative initiative suggest extending the amnesty to the most disadvantaged prisoners (pregnant, minor, and elderly) as well as reducing the list of crimes, to which amnesty cannot be implied. This bill has received mostly negative opinions from the Central Judicial Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
In the joint bill, members of the factions of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland, the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, and UDAR have initiated the issue of publishing all judgements of the courts of general jurisdiction. Deputies intend to deprive the Council of Judges of Ukraine and the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine of the right to determine the list of judgements of the courts of general jurisdiction subject to publication in the Unified State Register of Judgements. Moreover, the bill requires judges to publish declarations on property, income, expenses, and financial liabilities for the previous year on the official website of the judiciary of Ukraine on the annual basis. Oppositional factions have also submitted draft Regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On political responsibility of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine V. Zakharchenko and Head of the Security Service of Ukraine O. Yakymechko, and hearing information of Prosecutor General of Ukraine on participation of law enforcement agencies in political prosecution.
Members of the factions of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland, the Party of Regions, and UDAR submitted a bill on removal of the term „negative information“ from the Civil Code of Ukraine. The legislation of Ukraine, according to the deputies, neither defines negative information nor outlines its actual characteristics, therefore this term shall be removed from the Civil Code.
The legislative initiative of an unaffiliated deputy Lev Myrymskyi and a member of the faction Serhii Braiko is marked with some creativity. The deputies suggestestablishing a graduation of fines for traffic law violation depending on the car class.
Humanitarian issues
Representatives of the factions of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland, the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, and UDAR registered joint draft Laws On Higher Education and On Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as Official and the Procedure for the Use of Other Languages in Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. These documents represent a consensus vision of the opposition on the ways of resolving pressing issues in the humanitarian field. Deputies of these factions also proposed a draft Regulation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on holding parliamentary hearings on national book publishing on 6 March 2013. At the same time, unaffiliated deputies Victor Baloha and Vasyl Petiovka, and a member of the faction of the Party of Regions Pavlo Baloha have initiated introduction of a mandatory exam in Ukrainian language for persons claiming offices in executive authorities, courts, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, bodies of internal affairs, and prosecution.
Economics, finances, and administration
A member of the faction of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland Mykola Tomenko, and an unaffiliated deputy Serhii Mishchenko propose to hear information of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on government spending on hosting the Euro 2012 Championship in the Parliament.
Members of the faction of the Party of Regions (Viktor Yanukovych, Valerii Omelchenko, and Serhii Hrynevetskyi) and the CPU (Serhii Hordiyenko) have initiated provision of tax exemptions to software suppliers and manufacturers. At the same time, deputies of the factions of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland (Kseniya Liapina) and the Party of Regions (Iryna Horina) have prepared the draft Law of Ukraine On Limited and Additional Liability and Companies.
A deputy of the Party of Regions Volodymyr Oliynyk, and an unaffiliated deputy Ihor Rybakov introduced a bill on granting permission to military units to transfer immovable and personal property to business entities, which provide food services to military personnel, free of charge. According to the deputies, this property will be returned to military units upon termination of a contract on procurement of food services.
Social issues and standards
MPs of Ukraine Oleksandr Stoian (the Party of Regions) and Perto Tsybenko (the CPU) proposed to amend the Labour Code in terms of wage increase on holidays and days off. This project received positive opinion of the Central Judicial Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.