
DECLARATION OF INTENT OF THE CIVIL NETWORK OPORA to restore trust in the ukrainian parliament and strengthen its influence

Ukrainian parliamentary system constantly degrades. Lack of citizens' trust and domination of executive branch of power have demolished foundations of representative democracy. The social legitimacy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is formed not only through elections, but also through MPs' activities during cadence, their influence on political processes and existence of real tools for parliamentary powers implementation. We give impartial assessment of the situation, and see inevitable consequences for the country, in case of irresponsible and indifferent attitude of citizens towards negative trends in the Parliament.


  • Parliament's inefficiency have resulted in a lack of trust, which is a threat to democratic future of the country;
  • The Verkhovna Rada is corrupted and ineffective in the eyes of society;
  • The legislative branch is unable to represent topical social issues and protect citizens' interests;
  • Domination of the President and Government in legislative process has destroyed the balance of powers;
  • There is lack of Parliamentary discussion on key challenges to the development of the country;
  • The VRU is unable to properly control executive branch of power;
  • Practices of obstruction to parliamentary activities and interference with parliamentary powers became widely spread.


  • Restore trust in the Parliament as a competent democratic institution;
  • Urge MPs to take instant measures;
  • Create conditions for public dialog between political players and state institutions;

Thus, we must inform society about the situation in a responsible and constructive way, as well as impartially control it and suggest practical tools for strengthening the influence and independence of the Verkhovna Rada.


Institutional independence is an ability of the Varkhovna Rada to organize its activities, exercise control and take efficient decisions independently:

  • auditing efficiency of parliamentary control over activities of executive branch;
  • analyzing quality of legislative initiatives and counteracting conflict of interests;
  • assessing interactions between the state and local governments;
  • developing and introducing self-scoring system for parliamentary activities assessment.

Accountability  is a responsibility of MPs to electorate for results of their activities and behavior:

  • monitoring activities of MPs of Ukraine in election districts and committees, as well as during plenary sittings;
  • assessing the progress of fulfilling promises given to voters and political commitments;
  • informing the citizens about consistency of political standpoints and legislative initiatives;
  • preparing propositions on strengthening accountability of MPs.

Transparency means that the parliament is open to citizens and conducts transparent activities:

  • providing society with full, reliable, and impartial information on finance, direct or indirect conflicts of interests, violation of constitutional or legislative restrictions, incidents of unfair lobbying in the parliament;
  • monitoring efficiency of using State budget funds, allocated for performance of official duties;
  • preparing propositions on how to strengthen transparency of activities of MPs through legal framework.

Openness means citizens’ engagement in parliamentary work, including civil society organizations and other civic movements, and free citizens' access to the parliament:

  • demanding open and public work of the VRU, including unrestricted access of citizens to officials, MPs, and to their work premises;
  • create tools for exchange of ideas and suggestions regarding parliamentary activities and legislative initiatives;

Consolidated efforts of civic society will bring changes to the Parliament of Ukraine. With participation of active citizens, we will create an action plan for strengthening the parliamentary system in Ukraine.

We believe that active citizens and responsible politicians will allow the Parliament to:

  • Build citizen trust in the institution;
  • Satisfy expectations of voters and promptly react to challenges;
  • Counteract corruption and adopt qualitative laws;
  • Become an example of openness and transparency for other governmental bodies.