
4 of 5 parliamentary factions have promulgated their financial reports
Four of five parliamentary factions have promulgated their financial reports for 2012. Despite the information leaves much to be desired, the effective legislation quite liberally determines the procedure and deadline for promulgation of such data. Besides that, 3 of 4 parties have published the data in party's media, but not nationwide popular media. Therefore, a great number of citizens couldn't gain access to the records in a convenient way. Nevertheless, Civil Network OPORA congratulates political parties, which managed to publish financial reports for 2012 at least before 1st quarter of 2013 came to an end.
OPORA has appealed to political parties requesting to provide information about their revenues and expenditures for the previous year, encouraging parliamentarians to do it in reasonable time. The organization has also asked to provide information about mass media which have published such reports. According to the Law of Ukraine on Political Parties, the latter shall yearly publish financial reports on revenues, expenditures, and property of the party in national mass media.
Who is the richest?
The most financially capable parliamentary party in Ukraine is the Party of Regions, and the least – All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda. The UDAR hasn't published the financial report yet, but its leader have informed OPORA that it is to be published in middle April.
The total income of the Party of Regions – is more than 325 million UAH. It includes voluntary donations and member fees – 324 million 933 thousand UAH, passive income – 345 thousand UAH. It is mentioned in report of the Party of Regions: "Residual value of fixed assets, low-value tangible non-current assets and intangible assets is 1,938.9 million UAH as of December 31, 2012".
All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland has taken the second place. This party has 114 million 494 thousand UAH yearly income for 2012. Including: revenues in a form of non-repayable financial assistance – 114 million 430 thousand UAH; passive income – 39 thousand UAH; other earnings – 25 thousand. Besides that, the Fatherland indicates original value of fixed assets – nearly 5 million UAH.
Budget revenue of the CPU faction – is 112 millionUAH. Voluntary donations amount the lion's share – 111 million. Party members have payed 832 thousand of fees. Passive income – is 33 thousand UAH. The CPU doesn't provide any information about its property status.
The smallest income for the previous year has the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda – 27 million 348thousand UAH. The party received 26 million 906 thousand UAH of voluntary donations for its development. Income for the sale of and subscription of the Svoboda's newspaper – 471 thousand UAH. There is no information about property of the Svoboda party.
What have parties spent their money on?
Among political parties, which have published their financial report, only All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda have provided detailed party expenses.
Among political parties, which have published their financial report, only All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda have provided detailed party expenses.
Thus, in 2012, the Svoboda has spent 25 million 240 thousand UAH. They include:
- Advertising and information services – 590,974.88 UAH.
- Issuing newspaper – 448,143.23 UAH.
- Monetary pledge of candidate for MPs of Ukraine – 304,152.00 UAH.
- Payments to the election fund of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda – 23,200.000 UAH.
- Information and consultation services – 1,041.00 UAH.
- Internet services – 2,448.00 UAH.
- Salaries – 438,286.92 UAH.
- Payments to the fund of the obligatory state social insurance – 110,084.27 UAH.
- Renting premises – 112,987.82 UAH.
- Payment for examination of gasification –649.72 UAH.
- Purchase and maintenance of computer equipment - 5,379.54 UAH.
- Subscription to accounting periodicals - 22,550.09 UAH.
- Cash services in the bank - 4,201.53 UAH
As for expenses of the CPU, they have spent 111 million UAH in 2012. Two thirds of the money, namely 77,795.365 UAH was spent on the election campaign. The annual maintenance of the party costed almost 33 million.
All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland has spent 112 million 337 thousand UAH during the last year. Organization's maintenance was 5 million 640 thousand UAH, expenses on statutory tasks of the Party – 106 million 697 thousand UAH.
The biggest amount in 2012 was spent by the Party of Regions – 315,387.00 million UAH. On statutory tasks – 307 million 440 thousand, including election fund – 218 million. Maintenance of the infrastructure costed almost 8 million.
Where reports may be found?
According to the Law, financial report of a party shall be published in national mass media, with no specification of which exactly. However, political parties published their reports mainly in party newspapers.
Report of the CPU was published in the Kommunist newspaper issued in March (more than 100 thousand of printed copies), All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda – in the Svoboda newspaper, All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland – in the Vechirni Visti newspaper. The Party of Regions has published its report in the governmental newspaper Uriadovyi Kuryer, in the section of advertising and announcements.
Civil Network OPORA urges political parties to constructively approach the issue of financial reporting and specify expenditure items. This information is important not only to journalists of NGOs, but also to the voters, which should be valued by the parties as potential donors. Such practice is widespread, when parties attract citizen resource, not of few anonymous donors. It secures the party from dependence or political pressure, and makes politicians more open.