
"The parliament is governed by Kliuiev", – Arsenii Yatseniuk

Leader of the opposition is convinced, that Oleksandr Kliuiev is the main instrument to influence the parliament, which in his turn considers directions of the President.


Meanwhile, the Party of Regions faction leader Oleksandr Yefremov informed that Viktor Yanukovych is disturbed about the situation in the parliament and is interested in finding consensus. We remind, that according to the Constitution, the 30-days term for restoration of the Verkhovna Rada activities is ending on March 5 The leader of the faction informed that the President has no plans for now.


Negotiations between the opposition and the party in power in the office of the VRU Head were not fruiful and will continue tomorrow. However, as the leader of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda Oleh Tiahnybok has stated, "the party in power has left its tough and categorical expressions." Oleksandr Yefremov proposed his bill "An explanatory note on deprivation of deputy mandate", which was handed to jurists by representatives of three opposition factions.


Oleh Tiahnybok has emphasized, that the opposition is getting ready to the elections and that he has ordered to open election headquarters of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda. Arsenii Yatsiniuk has added, that the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland has never closed its headquarters.