
In June, members of the PR were concerned about money, and the opposition – about crimes and punishments
In June 2012, Members of Parliament of Ukraine have registered 408 draft laws and resolutions, fourth part of which concern economy, finance, and administration. 23.5% – politics and state administration, 13% – law-enforcement and judicial systems. MPs were not very interested in foreign affairs, security, and defense, as well as in previous months, after all. Civil Network OPORA continues to watch and analyze law-making activities of MPs of Ukraine of VII convocation.
MPs of the PRU have submitted 147 draft laws and resolutions in different sectors; AUU Batkivshchyna – 78; AUU Svoboda– 28; the Communists – 16; the UDAR faction – 14. Non-faction deputies have registered 11 bills. There are 109 interfaction initiatives.
Economic and financial issues were topical for MPs of the Party of Regions – almost a half of all their initiatives. The very same issue was topical for the Communist Party (37.5%), AUU Svoboda (36%), and AUU Batkivshchyna (27% of draft laws). 57% of laws drafted by the UDAR concerned politics and state administration. Non-faction MPs were focused on security and defense issues (45% of draft laws). 61 % of draft laws, commonly prepared by representatives of different factions, concerned politics and state administration.
In June, the Party of Regions faction has registered 147 draft legislative acts. Only 74% of them are draft laws. The other – are 39 formal resolutions on rejection of bills, sending them for revision, or introduction of holidays. MPs were mostly concentrated on improvement of economy (50%), and law-enforcement and justice issues (15%). There were no initiatives regarding foreign affairs and environment. 38 Members of Parliament participated in lawmaking activities. The biggest number of documents were submitted by: Yevhen Hiellier (9, including 6 resolutions), Valerii Pysarenko (9, including 6 resolutions), and Hryhorii Kaletnik (7, including 6 resolutions).
In June, MPs of the AUU Batkivshchyna faction registered 78 draft laws and resolutions, 45 of which are substantive. The faction was focused on reforms to judicial and law-enforcement systems (9 substantial initiatives), and Hennadii Moskal was the most active author. The same number of registered draft resolutions concerned introduction of holidays and memorable dates. Social standards and issues are on the second place (8 purposeful legislative initiatives), and Yurii Vozniuk became the most active author, who elaborated the biggest number of non-formal initiatives which concern this subject. The faction was mostly productive in economic, finance, and administration issues (27 draft initiatives), but only 7 of registered initiatives were purposeful.
It turned out, that June was the most productive for the AUU Svoboda since the Verkhovna Rada of VII convocation. Its members have registered 28 draft legislative initiatives during the last month – 17 bills and 11 draft resolutions. Ihor Miroshnychenko and Oleksandr Myrnyi were the most active lawmakers. A bit more than one third of all documents (10), drafted by members of the Svoboda faction in the last month, concern financial, economic, and administrative issues. They include draft laws, aimed at: strengthening of local budgets through amendments to the Budget Code; assistance to agricultural manufacturers; prohibition on production and dissemination of low-alcohol beverages; securing the transparency of public procurement; exemption of the certain categories of citizens from paying excise tax and import duties for certain types of vehicles. Draft legislative acts which concern introduction of holidays and memorable dates are on the second place (6 documents). Some draft initiatives (4) traditionally concern environmental issues and natural resource management, but they all are formal this time and concern the certain draft laws adopted as a basis, defeated, or sent for further elaboration. Members of the Svoboda faction didn't submit any legislative initiatives in the foreign affairs, as well as in security and defense sector.
In the last month, members of the UDAR faction have registered the same number of draft legislative initiatives as they registered the last month – 14; 10 of which are bills and 4 draft resolutions. Most of documents (8) concern the politics and state administration, including: bills securing the mandatory submission of the Government Action Plan for consideration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and reporting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on its implementation; on the conduction of plenary sittings of the Verkhovna Rada on the national language; on ensuring openness, transparency and democratic elections of all levels; on improvement of parliamentary hearings initiation; on the procedure of forming the personnel complement of Committees. Humanitarian issues, environment, health care, local self-government, foreign affairs, as well as security and defense were not topical for the UDAR party.
In June 2013, non-faction MPs have registered 11 draft laws of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. According to regulatory issues, the majority of legislative initiatives concerned national security and defense (5, and the majority contains no procedures), and politics and state administration (2). All the other sectors – 1 drafts each.
In June 2013, 115 inter-faction draft laws were registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (including 61 draft regulations on appointment of special local elections). Not including procedural initiatives, representatives of different factions were focused on economic issues (9 draft initiatives), humanitarian policy (6), health care (4), and social issues (3). The analysis of these draft laws has shown that members of different factions jointly elaborate laws in the certain sectors or regulation. It is particularly vivid in the health care sector.