
Analysis of initiatives, rejected by the VRU during the second session

Analysis of initiatives, rejected by the VRU during the second session

Before the 3rd session of the Verkhovna Rada of VII convocation is opened, OPORA publishes a number of materials containing a summary of parliamentary activities for the current period. These documents complement a long-term monitoring, which is being conducted by the organization after 2012 Parliamentary elections. The second analysis will systematize the information about rejected legislative initiatives and political argumentation "for" and "against" supporting them. The document will assess the quality of political discussions held in the Parliament and determine whether MPs are ready to compromise. OPORA hopes that these publications will help citizens to keep up with parliamentary activities, MPs to be more open and accountable, and the Verkhovna Rada to be institutionally independent

Although there is no constant majority in the Parliament, the current configuration of political forces allows the ruling Party of Regions to regularly mobilize MPs voting for important political decisions. In particular, for draft legislative acts, initiated by the President, the Government, or members of the Party of Regions itself. At the same time, factions belonging to the opposition (AUU Batkivshchyna, UDAR, and AUU Svoboda) face considerable difficulties when they need to get support of 226 MPs in the session hall. However, oppositional factions proved to be consolidated and influential when they achieved effective voting for draft laws of primary importance, which adoption was repeatedly promised during the elections and political debates. Among such draft laws, which the opposition managed to put to the vote during the 2nd session of the Parliament of VII convocation, was cancellation of so-called pension reform; appointment of Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections; suspension of privileges and benefits for state officials and MPs; giving a vote of non-confidence to the government of Mykola Azarov; creation of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and anti-corruption inspection of all officials.

For today, 4 draft laws concerning the pension reform were put to the vote in the Parliament. Three draft laws (submitted by AUU Batkivshchyna and a non-faction MP Serhii Mishchenko) equally proposed the retirement age for men – 60 years, and 55 years for women, providing that their pensionable service is more than 15 years. Authors of these draft laws also proposed to establish minimal age pension if men have 25 years, and women - 20 years of pensionable service. The fourth bill, drafted by the non-faction MP Volodymyr Lytvyn, was primarily aimed not to cancel the pension reform, but to soften consequences of some regulations. In particular, Mr. Lytvyn proposed to rise the pensionable service is some stages in order to get minimal age pension. Although none of these draft laws were supported by the majority, only some votes were lacking every time for their adoption. Besides that, during the voting for the bill submitted by Serhii Mishchenko, 3 members of AUU Batkivshchyna didn't vote and 4 were absent; as well as 7 members of the UDAR and 1 member of the AUU Svoboda were absent.

The appointment of elections in Kyiv was considered twice during the plenary sitting. First, the draft law on the appointment of Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections to June 2, 2013, submitted by members of the UDAR, was put to the vote. It was supported by 209 MPs. Second, the Parliament failed to adopt the bill drafted by Volodymyr Yavorivskyi (AUU Batkivshchyna) on the appointment of Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections. 200 MPs voted for its adoption. The Party of Regions didn't support any of these draft laws.

Similarly, draft law on suspension of groundless privileges and benefits for individuals which have authority to govern the state, jointly drafted by Yatseniuk, Klychko, and Tiahnybok, failed to receive the necessary number of supporting votes. Only 10 MPs of the Party of Regions supported the initiative.

Two anti-corruption draft laws, which should be adopted to meet Ukraine's commitments for EU-integration, became another issue. MPs didn't manage to vote for the creation of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and anti-corruption inspection of all officials. Members of the Party of Regions and the CPU didn't vote for its adoption either. Votes of the opposition, the CPU, and some non-faction MPs were not enough to enable the anti-corruption inspection. 

Opposition leaders have put a draft resolution on responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to the vote, which should have resulted in vote of no-confidence to the Government and its resignation. After a rough discussion, 190 MPs voted for adoption of the document.

Draft Resolution #1030 of 12/12/2012 on the appointment of Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections.

Authors of the document (members of the UDAR Vitalii Klychko, Vitalii Kovalchuk, and Valerii Karpuntsov) proposed to appoint Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections for June 2, 2013. This resolution was supported by opposition factions, most of the communists, and non-faction deputies. However, they lacked 17 votes for the adoption. Members of the Party of Regions explained that it's necessary to wait till the Constitutional Court passes its decision.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft resolution #1030 of 12/12/2012:



Non-faction deputy



R. Kniazevych

AUU Batkivshchyna


According to the Law on Local Elections, today is the last day. If we don't pass the decision today, the election will not be held on June 2.

We cannot wait for the decision of the Constitutional Court, as long as it concerns not Kyiv, but all the election in Ukraine.

I. Shvaika

AUU Svoboda


The decision on appointment of election in Kyiv should be taken today. This is the will of people waiting near the Verkhovna Rada, and this is what responsible MPs should be willing to do.

M. Lytvyn

Non-faction deputy


What we need today, is to file an appeal to the Constitutional Court signed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, demanding its final ruling.

O. Tiahnybok

AUU Svoboda


According to the article 141 of the Constitution of Ukraine, "The authority of a City Council shall expire in 5 years",  the election to the Kyiv City Council should be held on June 2.

A. Yatseniuk

AUU Batkivshchyna


The opposition is to nominate the agreed candidate for the Mayor and will win. In addition, the opposition will nominate the agreed candidate in every district, one candidate in each district. Therefore, we will take not the majority, but the absolute majority in Kyiv City Council. That's why the Party of Regions don't want to put this issue to the vote.

V. Oliinyk

Party of Regions


We must honestly say to Kyiv citizens that we are going to elect a virtual City Mayor if we don't amend the Law on Capital. He will only head the session and represent the territorial community.

Voting results:

For – 209, against – 1, abstained – 77, didn't vote – 119, total – 406. The Party of Regions – 3, Batkivshchyna – 91, UDAR of Vitaliy Klytschko – 41, AUU Svoboda – 36, Communists Party of Ukraine – 21, non-faction – 17.

Draft Resolution #1034 of 12/12/2012 on the appointment of Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections.

After UDAR's draft resolution on the appointment of Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections wasn't adopted, the MP Volodymyr Yavorivskyi from AUU Batkivshchyna proposed to appoint Kyiv Mayoral and City Council elections in 60 days after this resolution is adopted. He explained his position by the absence of real self-governance in Kyiv and urgent need to conduct elections in 2013. Members of the Party of Regions refused to vote for special elections in Kyiv before the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) passes his decision.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft resolution #1034 of 12/12/2012:



Non-faction deputy



V. Yavorivskyi

AUU Batkivshchyna


Primeval rule of people exists no more in Kyiv.

If elections in Kyiv are not going to be held this year (in this year!), there will be no chance to conduct them in 2014, because of upcoming Presidential election.

D. Zhvaniia

Party of Regions


We have no grounds for the conduction of special elections before receiving the interpretation from the Constitutional Court.

O. Myrnyi

AUU Svoboda


If we refer to the decision of the Constitutional Court, why not to close the Verkhovna Rada and come to the Constitutional Court with all the issues regarding the governance in Ukraine.

O. Chornovolenko

AUU Batkivshchyna


If the regular elections cannot be conducted, as long as they are to be conducted in 2015 according to the Constitution, we should conduct special elections than. According to the Constitution, city councils and mayors shall be elected every 5 years.

V. Klychko



For today, Kyiv elections is a pure political issue. It's not the matter of the Court, regular or special elections.

Kyiv city doesn't have a governor, and the President is responsible for everything what happens now, as long as the President's representative, Mr. Popov, who is the Head of Kyiv Oblast State Administration, has proven that there is no governor in the city.

S. Hordiienko



As long as our country is being robbed and its property is being re-distributed, they need the power to rob, re-distribute, and cover-up these processes; and strong self-governance is a hindrance, it will never give away lands, communal property and the budget.

V. Kolesnichenko

Party of Regions


Kyiv is governed. The President and the Cabinet of Ministers will not leave Kyiv without their constant support, custody, and attention. The Party of Regions will support only those draft laws, which are in correspondence with the Constitution and the Law.

O. Makhnitskyi

AUU Svoboda


Do not excuse yourself with the decision of the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court concerns only the matter of regular election. Particularly, the date of the election. As for the special elections, it has no relation to it.

M. Tomenko

AUU Batkivshchyna


Articles 78 and 79 of the Law on Local Self-Government clearly provides the possibility of early elections.

Voting results:

For – 200, against – 5, abstained – 46, didn't vote – 122, total – 373. The Party of Regions – 0, Batkivshchyna – 93, Vitaliy Klytschko Block – 39, Svoboda – 34, Communists Party – 20, non-faction – 14.

Draft Law #1063 of 12.12.2012 on making amendments to the Law of Ukraine on General Mandatory State Pension Insurance (regarding pensionable service and retirement conditions).

Members of the Communist Party of Ukraine (Petro Symonenko, Adam Martyniuk, Valentyn Matvieiev, and Petro Tsybenko) have proposed in their bill to cancel the main innovations of so-called Pension reform. In particular, they proposed to return pension age for women - 55 years instead of 60. It also provides the establishment of minimal age pension if men have 25 years, and women - 20 years of pensionable service (instead of 35 and 30 years correspondingly). During the consideration, representatives of the oppositional factions supported the bill, submitted by the Communists. However, according to the voting results, they lacked 6 votes for the adoption. The Party of Regions' argumentation was based on the fact that the pension reform was conducted and there is no need to change anything.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #1063 of 12/12/2012:



Non-faction deputy



P. Symonenko



The Law of Ukraine on Measures to Ensure the Legislative Reform of the Pension System" was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in July 2011, despite extremely negative attitude of most people in the country. It became the next step of anti-national reforming against interests of our unfortunate people.

Regulations of this Law are unconstitutional; they worsened the pension insurance system, which was effective, and distorted the principles of social justice.

Introduction of the pension reform cannot be justified till there is an arsenal of socially-neutral and economically necessary measures, which can balance the solitary pension insurance system: de-shadowing of salaries, reduction of temporary employment without contracts, increasing salaries, realization of the program for working places creation, which will increase the number of employed citizens.

V. Sushkevych

AUU Batkivshchyna


Both Government and authors of the pension reform wanted to extend the pension age for women in order to increase the Pension fund. They increased the Pension fund, and have later used these money during the elections, when they used the Pension fund to work with the voters.

E. Leonov

AUU Svoboda


Having analyzed the 2012 pension reform, we may easily see that the half of so-called positive changes was prolongation of pension age for woman, i.e. Azarov's government saved one and a half billion UAH only in 2012 thanks to Ukrainian women.

I. Bohoslovska

Party of Regions


What did we managed to do thanks to the pension reform? It's just the beginning. We have increased the minimal pension, it will be raised again this year, and it means that all pensions are transferred on the basis of increased minimal pension.

P. Rozenko



In 2012, pension fund subsidy was 63.5 billion UAH. In 2013, it is 83.5 billion UAH. It means, that after the pension reform the Pension Fund budget deficit has increased in 20 billion.

A. Yatseniuk

AUU Batkivshchyna


We, – said Azarov's government, – will decrease the Pension Fund budget deficit; and we – said Azarov's government, – will increase pensions. In result, everything turned out to be opposite to these promices. Pension Fund budget deficit has reached 22 billion UAH, and the purchasing power of pensions remained on the level that was 10 years ago.

We are convinced, that the problem of pension insurance is not in the pension age. Firstly, people need jobs. When people are employed they have salaries, and when they have salaries, they can pay duties to the Pension Fund. Secondly, what we need to do. To increase salaries for people. As a result, we will get the Pension Fund filled.

P. Tsybenko



Despite authors of the Law promised to increase of labor pension, I emphasize – labor pension, it didn't happen.

Every third Ukrainian, Ukrainian veteran, receives 1 thousand UAH pension and less.

I. Ieremeiev

Non-faction deputy


If we are honest to Ukrainian people and understand that the pension reform is infirm, let’s consider in this hall all the bills submitted by the opposition, non-faction MPs, and the communists. These bills, in fact, may solve the current problems of Ukrainian people, and what happens today - is a farce.

Voting results:

For – 220, against – 8, abstained – 61, didn't vote – 116, total – 405. The Party of Regions – 11, Batkivshchyna – 91, UDAR of Vitaliy Klytschko – 38, AUU Svoboda – 36, Communists Party of Ukraine – 31, non-faction MPs – 13. ««

Draft Law #1026 of 12.12.2012 on making amendments to the Law of Ukraine on General Mandatory State Pension Insurance (regarding improvement of retirement conditions).

During the same plenary sitting, on April 17, the Government considered an initiative of non-faction MP Serhii Mishchenko on making amendments to the Law on General Mandatory State Pension Insurance. In particular, the MP has proposed to establish: retirement age for men – 60 years, and 55 years for women, providing that their pensionable service is more than 15 years; minimal age pension if men have 25 years, and women - 20 years of pensionable service. Despite the bill was supported by all oppositional parties, communists, and some non-faction MPs, they lacked 3 votes for the adoption.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #1026 of 12/12/2012:



Non-faction deputy



V. Kyrylenko

AUU Batkivshchyna


We all know that the pension is provided in accordance with around fifteen laws. One law for members of a collective farm, engineers, factory workers; and 15 laws for law enforcement employees, MPs, ministers, etc. We know this, and people know this too. It's the first iniquity.

The official sum in the payroll is around 450 billion UAH. But everybody knows that an unofficial payroll is the same, or even bigger, as long as people receive salaries in envelopes.

Therefore, we must nullify all pension laws for the privileged elite of functionaries, and create one law for the whole country, where the pension will be given from salaries. In such a way, there will be no Pension Fund budget deficit in amount of 82 billion UAH.

E. Leonov

AUU Svoboda


If Azarov and his team would have surrendered their privileges, and if you, dear Members of Parliament, wouldn't disregard people, reformed the system of privileges and pension security, and surrendered those huge benefits, received by the Parliament, the Cabinet of Ministers, and authorities, you wouldn't have to bring women to poverty and wait till men die.

V. Klychko



The average pension in Ukraine is 1.400 UAH. So, this pension reform has brought nothing but loses for simple people. In this country, pensions rise only for ex-officials. The state cannot be content with the pension reform, as long as maintenance of the pension system has not decreased, but only increased in 20 billion. Such reform is a threat to the future generations.

Ya. Sukhyi

Party of Regions


Regarding the age, tell me, can we decrease it? Yes, we can. But we will have to increase the payroll tax. For today, payroll tax for individuals involved in business is 56 percent. Germany has 30 percent, Sweden has 40, and it provides the full social package. We can't do it anymore. In other way, to decrease expenses, freeze pensions, no indexations and, furthermore, no connection to the subsistence minimum.

Voting results:

For – 223, against – 5, abstained – 48, didn't vote – 112, total – 388. The Party of Regions – 11, Batkivshchyna – 88, UDAR of Vitaliy Klytschko – 35, AUU Svoboda – 35, Communists Party of Ukraine – 32, non-faction MPs – 22.

Draft Law #1073 of 12.12.2012 on making amendments to the Law of Ukraine on General Mandatory State Pension Insurance (regarding returning to previous pension age for women, pensionable service, and the procedure for calculation of pensions).

During the plenary sitting held on April 17, another draft law on abolition of the pension reform was considered, submitted by MPs of AUU Batkivshchyna, Liudmyla Denisova and Andrii Senchenko. The draft law also provided: retirement age for men – 60 years, and 55 years for women, providing that their pensionable service is more than 5 years; minimal age pension if men have 25 years, and women - 20 years of pensionable service. The opposition and communists lacked 5 votes for the adoption.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #1073 of 12/12/2012:



Non-faction deputy



L. Denisova

AUU Batkivshchyna


The Pension Fund budget deficit has increase. 21.8 billion UAH is planner for 2013, what is 42% more than in 2012. 72 percent of pensioners will receive pensions in amount of less than 1.5 thousand UAH. The government has stolen 2.6 billion UAH from the people during the year of this reform in operation. This is an effect we received.

Whom the so-called pension reform concern? First of all, the citizens of Ukraine, who has reached the age of 55-60 years for today. They have 10 years of pensionable service in the Soviet Union and 10 years of service during the economic stabilization of Ukraine, and they need 10 or 15 years more according to the new rules in order to get at least the minimal pension.

The pension calculation formula has also changed. The average salary is calculated not for the previous year, but for three previous years. Therefore, every pensioner receives 200 or 300 UAH less every month.

Only in 2012, 160 thousand women had to retire later, what decreased their income in 1000 UAH a month.

P. Rozenko



One pension system for simple people calculates pensions in amount of 45 percent of salaries. These simple people are teachers, doctors, employees in the social sector, culture etc.

Another pension system is for officials of the bureaucratic apparatus, which calculates pensions in amount of 80-90 percent of salaries. We must step away from such a division.

A. Yatseniuk

AUU Batkivshchyna


We are convinced, that approach to the pension calculation for the President, Prime Minister, or an individual working in school or hospital should be equal. Therefore, the Prime Minister Azarov must try to live with 894 UAH of pension which he has established himself.

The modernization of the pension system is an urgent issue. I'd like to remind that prices for food are rising, communal charges are rising, tariffs are rising, and issue of modern pensions is not solved.

We are convinced, that Ukraine should cut back expenses on the President, the Government, and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which had risen in 35 billion UAH during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych. These funds should be transferred to the Pension Fund, so that we could pay Ukrainians pensions they deserve.

O. Stoian

The Party of Regions


Cancellation of the pension reform – is a catastrophe for all of you. I explain why. I will explain why. If the pension reform is canceled, we will need add at least 7 billion from the budget this year.

Therefore, the Government won't be able to rise pensions, as it had already done 5 years in 2011 and 2012. It means that we won't be able to modernize pensions for pensioners retired before 2008. Transfer of funds from the Budget into the Pension Fund means that we will not be able to do things which the Government has done.

P. Tsybenko



There is no considerable improvement in the pension system, it's obvious. You know, the Government is proud of 1.4 thousand UAH pension today. But we all are aware of how the average pension is calculated. One official receives 10 thousands and ten beggars receive less than one, and we have an average – 1 thousand 400 UAH. Every fourth Ukrainian citizen receives a ridiculous payment of under one thousand UAH.

Hundreds of thousands of young people didn't receive their first jobs because people were not retired in proper time.

Yu. Mykhalchyshyn

AUU Svoboda


When they were rising the pension age for women, nobody wondered where to take thousands of hundreds of workplaces for them. For today, there are five Ukrainian men for one workplace, and you didn't even think about the number of women who fail to get job as a result of social discrimination.

Nearly one fourth part of 14 million of Ukrainian pensioners are still employed. The effective law provides pension calculation for them according to average pensions of 2007.

O. Liashko

Non-faction deputy


Today, 5 million of Ukrainian citizens receive pensions in amount of less than one thousand UAH, and a half of people sitting in this hall receive more than 20 thousand UAH pensions, including all communists, who fight for justice.

Voting results:

For – 221, against – 3, abstained – 334, didn't vote – 199, total – 377. The Party of Regions – 1, Batkivshchyna – 93, UDAR of Vitaliy Klytschko – 37, AUU Svoboda – 36, Communists Party – 32, non-faction – 22.

Draft Law #1110 of 12.18.2012 on making amendments to the Chapter XV of the Law of Ukraine on General Mandatory State Pension Insurance (regarding the procedure for calculation of the age pension).

Volodymyr Lytvyn has initiated another draft law on amendments to the Law on General Mandatory State Pension Insurance, which was considered during the plenary sitting on April 17. The document provides the right to phased rising of the pensionable service, necessary for receiving the minimal age pension, for the period till April 1, 2020. Representatives of the oppositional factions spoke against this bill, saying it's limited and unsystematic. However, they have supported it during the voting, as long as it concerned some regulations of the pension reform.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #1110 of 12/18/2012:



Non-faction deputy



V. Lytvyn

Non-faction deputy


A lot of people, especially in rural areas, and especially women, do not have the possibility to receive the labor pension due to the absence of pensionable service, workplaces, or because they were taking care of children or old parents. Today, they can receive only minimal pension. Therefore, we propose to determine the transfer till 2020, so that people could receive the necessary pensionable service.

S. Soboliev

AUU Batkivshchyna


What we get is retirement for women in the age of 60, without getting their pensions rised, and the impossibility to get papers done in similar enterprises, as was possible in accordance with the law effective before 1990. So, 420 thousand people will not know how to retire, because they won't be able to receive any documents concerning pensions.

I. Kyrylenko

AUU Batkivshchyna


We will have pensions like in Belgium in five years, but there will be no people to pay it. Didn't the authors know that a 35 year old women can hardly find a job in Ukraine?

Not, give the pensionable service of 10 years. Women's place is taken for these 10 years. Where young girls should go, which are to take these workplaces?

Ya. Sukhyi

The Party of Regions


Today, we are talking about one thing – age pension. There are also another pensions:  long service pension, disability pension, survivor's pension, and so-called social pension. We haven't even considered them yet. Pension reform – is a modernization of a united system, and the development of non-state pension security. We haven't even considered it yet.

V. Vecherko

The Party of Regions


There is a harsh contradiction between the united principle of filling the Pension Fund and its unjust distribution. We need to exempt the united system of pension insurance from paying pensions to citizen categories, which didn't participate in the formation of the Pension Fund.

Voting results:

For – 208, against – 3, abstained – 32, didn't vote – 105, total – 348. The Party of Regions – 2, Batkivshchyna – 86, UDAR of Vitaliy Klytschko – 31, AUU Svoboda – 36, Communists Party of Ukraine – 31, non-faction MPs – 22.

Draft Resolution #2617 of 3/22/2013 on the Responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

A group of MPs from the opposition (A. Yatseniuk, V. Klychko, O. Tiahnybok, O. Turchynov, M. Tomenko and others) have submitted for consideration of the Parliament a draft resolution concerning the responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the current economic situation, giving the vote of no-confidence to the Cabinet of Ministers, which will result in resignation of all the Government. After Arsenii Yatseniuk had presented his argumentation regarding initiative on resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers during the plenary sitting, Mykola Azarov reported on activities of the Government. After critical questions and comments of MPs, the draft resolution was put to the vote and received 190 votes in favor.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #2617 of 3/22/2013:



Non-faction deputy



A. Yatseniuk

AUU Batkivshchyna


The increase of the gross domestic product (GDP) is 0 percent for 2012.

Moreover, 61 percent increase in the price of the consumer basket shows how the so-called improvement happens in Ukraine today.

During the last three years, this Government has borrowed a sum, which is equal to Ukraine's borrowings for all 20 years before. Ukraine has 67 billion USD debt.

Only during the last year, the main countries-investors, from Germany to Austria, removed investments in amount of two billion USD from Ukraine.

The unemployment level has risen – eight persons for one position in 2010, and 11 for a position today. We had two million of unemployed during the crisis, and the same number is today. The unemployment rises every monthly with 171 thousand of people.

According to the official statistics, 72 billion UAH were transferred to the off-shore from Ukraine. This sum is equal to two year budgets.

10 billion USD was spent on EURO 2012. A half 10 billion USD was misappropriated, and another half was spent on objects that are not used today.

M. Azarov

The Prime Minister of Ukraine


Leaders of the opposition are talking about economic collapse and citizen poverty, but we ask: what did we have 3 years ago, if the growth in gross domestic product is almost 10 percent when compared to 2009; industrial manufacturing has increased in 10 percent; housing construction has increased in 1.7 times; commodity circulation has increased in 1.6 times; salaries have increased in 1.4 times. So how should we call those things happened in 2008-2009? Compared to 2009, the payroll has increased in 1.5 times, and expenditure of the Pension Fund – in 1.4 times. If during three years in a row, the Government 18 times increased salaries for state servants and 34 times – pensions for different categories of citizens, where do you see the decrease of income? Besides that, we conducted phased increases, step by step. Therefore, we didn't cause the inflation, as it happened before.

Thanks to the agreement with Russia, we managed to economize when paying for imported gas. Therefore, around five billion dollars were preserved in real economic sector. Thanks to such repose, metallurgy and chemistry were able to continue operating, and the Government received a possibility to stimulate domestic gas mining, and search for alternative sources of energy and energy saving.

The average size of pension has increased in 1.4 times during operation of our Government, and consists now of 1 thousand 471 UAH. At the request of the President, pensions were recalculated for almost 13 million pensioners, and for 580 former serviceman in 2012; pensions were raised in three stages. The average pension for serviceman has increased to 2350 UAH till January 1, 2013. It's almost 600 UAH every month.

During 2010-2013, the Government has increased the level of state social assistance to persons disabled since childhood of the first group in 1.8 times, and disabled since childhood of II and III groups – in 1.6 times.

The assistance for adoption of a child was increased in 2.4 times. The assistance for children under custody has increased in 1.6 times, 1.644 new foster families were created, 286 new orphanages of family type were established since 2010. In general, 12 thousand 137 children are brought up in foster families and family-type orphanages.

The amount of fees and duties was decreased in two times, from 43 to 23, basic tax rates were also decreased, income tax has decreased from 25 to 17 percent, and value-added tax will decrease from today's 20 to 14 till 2014.

A. Kinakh

The Party of Regions


The Government is on the right way. Import substitution, production localization, energy safety of the country, industrial policy, monetary relations, are the basis of the development. And it has already reached the certain goals. Protection of proprietary rights, creation of a favorable investing climate, – this is the way of solving problems and becoming a modern country.

I. Herashchenko



I'd like to say that this Government is the most closed. You are talking about EU-integration rhetoric, but don't let MPs join you. Today, MPs couldn't come to the workplace, because your guards were pushing them from the door.

The official unemployment yearly rises in 40 thousand. But there is also an unofficial unemployment too. The first workplace is like a catastrophe.


AUU Svoboda


The Government hasn't presented the action plan yet, despite the law requires it.

P. Symonenko



During three years of Azarov's Government, the gap between the poorest and the richest has deepened in more than 40 times.

M. Tomenko

AUU Batkivshchyna


If you pay attention to the social differentiation of the society, you will see that the average class has decreased. Today, we have 1.5-2% of extremely rich people, and nearly 60% (pay special attention to this number) of people who say that they have no money for clothes. Today, 90 percent of people in rural area dress in second-hand.

V. Kyrylenko

AUU Batkivshchyna


If they are not stopped, almost all music schools are going to be closed in three years, and parents will have to pay 3.5-4 thousand UAH a month for music education of their children.

The Ministry of Finance is saving at the cost of artists, theater employees, librarians, because they say they don't have money.

Monuments, inventory taking and passport system are receive 0.4% of needed financing.

This very Government has started destroying Ukrainian Language. In fact, this Government is speaking in Russian. Every second minister doesn't know Ukrainian Language, and the Apparatus switches to Russian almost every time.

Yu. Mykhalchyshyn

AUU Svoboda


The Government of Azarov and the Party of Regions has destroyed 300 schools for three years. During the last month, this Cabinet of Ministers has redistributed 1 billion UAH of consumption expenses at the cost of development expenses.

Today, the amount of indebted salaries is 1 billion UAH.

V. Lytvyn

Non-faction deputy


Mykola Yanovych, I often drive regional roads, and somehow I'm always driving on those 2 percent of unrepaired.

Voting results:

For – 190, against – 91, abstained – 2, didn't vote – 79, total – 362. The Party of Regions – 0, Batkivshchyna – 88, UDAR of Vitaliy Klytschko – 35, AUU Svoboda – 36, Communists Party of Ukraine – 21, and non-faction MPs – 10.

Draft Law #2218 of 2/7/2013 on the National Anti-Corruption Bureau

Leaders of the opposition (A. Yatseniuk, V. Klychko, O. Tiahnybok) have initiated a draft law, which provide creation of a National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB), a state law-enforcement body with a special status to fight against corruption, committed by persons, authorized to perform functions of the state or local governance. NACB was supposed to be accountable and subordinate to the Verkhovna Rada. Officials of the NACB were supposed to be hired and dismissed by the Parliament. Only 166 MPs supported adoption of this draft law. The Party of Regions and the CPU didn't support the bill, explaining that creation of another authority is inexpedient. However, creation of an independent ani-corruption bureau is among key recommendations of the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) to Ukraine.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #2218 of 2/7/2013:



Non-faction deputy



A. Yatseniuk

AUU Batkivshchyna


One of the most significant and effective mechanisms for fighting against corruption – is creation of a real and, what is the most important, independent body to fight against corruption and corruptive violations, and giving special powers to this body.

V. Chumak



This bill allows us fulfill some key international recommendations for Ukraine. First of all, it's GRECO's recommendation regarding creation of an independent anti-corruption body in the country.

O. Sukhovskyi

AUU Svoboda


National Anti-Corruption Bureau – will be an independent body, subordinate exclusively to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which will be formed of special subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, particularly Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (GUBOZ) and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Unquestionably, only highly qualified protected employees which passed lustration will be chosen.

P. Tsybenko



I'd like to say that we discuss creation of a state authority with a special status. However, all of them are listed in the Constitution of Ukraine. Therefore, we discuss creation of a new body with a special status which will duplicate those already existing. Today, almost 20% of Ukrainian citizens are wearing shoulder straps, let’s make this number even greater.

V. Malyshev

The Party of Regions


The draft law on creation of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau is worthy by itself, but it cannot be adopted today due to the following reasons. Firstly, it doesn't correspond to the Constitution of Ukraine, as long as Article 17 of the Constitution doesn't provide creation of law-enforcement bodies with a special status, what makes such creation impossible. Secondly, solution of issues involved in the bill belong to the competence of the President of Ukraine, and are beyond the authority of the Parliament. See Article 85 and 106 of the Constitution. Thirdly, the National Anti-Corruption Committee already exists under the President of Ukraine.

Fourthly, the National Bureau will duplicate already existing law-enforcement bodies.

Voting results:

For – 166, against – 18, abstained – 49, didn't vote – 171, total – 404. The Party of Regions – 2, Batkivshchyna – 78, Vitaliy Klytschko Block – 39, Svoboda – 35, Communists Party – 0, non-faction – 12.

Draft Law #2219 of 2/7/2013 on Anti-Corruption Inspection for Officials of all Levels

Together with a bill on creation of Anti-Corruption Bureau, leaders of the opposition (A. Yatseniuk, V. Klychko, O. Tiahnybok) have initiated a new Law on Anti-Corruption Inspection for Officials of all Levels. The document concerned the procedure of special verification of the correspondence between official income of subjects of anti-corruption inspection with their virtual expenses and financial situation, conducted by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. After the draft law on Anti-Corruption Bureau, regulations of the bill #2219 couldn't have been put into practice if it was adopted. However, 201 MPs supported it, including members of the CPU and non-faction MPs.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #2219 of 2/7/2013:



Non-faction deputy



A. Yatseniuk

AUU Batkivshchyna


We want to establish the following procedure by this law: first – a special verification of all state officials and (important!) their family members regarding property, assets, accounts, shares, or any other assets. To disclose information about large purchase and selling in families of officials during the past 3 years.

Besides that, we want to establish a special procedure of expense declaration. Not those existing today, 80 thousand UAH. But those, reflecting real purchasing capacity of Ukrainian citizens. No matter who you are, the President or the MP, you must declare your expenses if you have spent more than 10 minimum wages.

And finally, if you are using any property which is absent in your declaration, you must show on which basis do you use this property and how much money you have really paid to use this property.

V. Chumak



The bill #2219 establishes mechanism which will allow to realize requirements of the Article 12 of the Law on Preventing and Combating Corruption. The main goal of these requirements is verification of the correspondence between declared income of the officials and their expenses.

H. Moskal

AUU Batkivshchyna


Nobody verifies numbers in declarations. Moreover, there is no responsibility established for false data included into declarations. The only established responsibility concerns untimely submission of declarations. Everything else - is fiction, waste paper. Therefore, we propose to establish verification of what officials out in their declarations.

O. Makhnitskyi

AUU Svoboda


Representatives of the European Union have stipulated establishment of lustration mechanism, and a special Bureau for its conduction.

A person, who was recognized to be involved in corruption, will be discharged on the discretion of person who chairs the corresponding body. Of course, such things are inadmissible. The introduced bill provides that a person, who was recognized to be involved in corruption, shall be discharged and deprived the right to hold any position for five years. It's impossible to efficiently fight against corruption without the lustration mechanism.

V. Malyshev

The Party of Regions


For today, this bill cannot be adopted I will explain why. Firstly, the concerned issues are within competence of the President of Ukraine only. You all are welcome to see it in the Constitution, Articles 85-106. Secondly, this bill duplicates the Law of Ukraine on Main Measures Aimed at Preventing and Fighting Corruption, which establishes basic principles for preventing and fighting corruption.

Voting results:

For – 201, against – 9, abstained – 51, didn't vote – 146, total – 407. The Party of Regions – 0, Batkivshchyna – 82, UDAR of Vitaliy Klytschko – 38, AUU Svoboda – 35, Communists Party – 29, non-faction – 17.

Draft Law #2221 of 2/7/2013 on Suspension of Groundless Privileges and Benefits for Individuals Which Have Authority to Govern the State.

Leaders of the opposition (A. Yatseniuk, V. Klychko, O. Tiahnybok) have initiated a draft law, which provides suspension of groundless privileges and benefits for the President of Ukraine, Members of Parliament of Ukraine, and members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Besides that, they have proposed to limit pension guarantees for the President of Ukraine, Members of Parliament of Ukraine, and members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Thus, the maximum pension, including rise in wages, promotions, additional pension etc., cannot exceed ten subsistence minimums, established for persons who have lost their capacity of earning a living; to limit the maximum number of bodies which ensure the activities of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Besides that, to prohibit blocking the traffic when the President of Ukraine, Chairmen of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine, and other state officials are on the read. Members of the opposition have justified their initiative with excessive benefits for MPs and higher political leaders of the country. In conditions of difficult economic situation, such benefits are not reasonable. Only 10 members of the Party of Regions have supported the bill, and the total number of votes in support was 204.

Main argumentation of MPs regarding adoption of the draft law #2221 of 2/7/2013:



Non-faction deputy



A. Yatseniuk

AUU Batkivshchyna


In case this bill is adopted, the saved costs in amount of around 2 billion UAH should and could be given to the education and medicine.

The President of Ukraine did not have the right to control many state residences. He had only one state residence which he left when his authority terminated, unlike all forerunners which live at cost of the state till this day.

Prime Minister of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or other officials do not have the right to spend over 300 million UAH a year for private flights, but shall use regular flights only.

Prime Minister, the President, or Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine do not have the right to drive escorted by motorcade in Kyiv or Ukraine, and close roads for citizens of Ukraine.

The bill provides selling of 50% of car park owned by state authorities, which costs millions for Ukrainian taxpayers.

D. Zhvaniia

The Party of Regions


The Committee on Budget informs that the bill influences budget indices by decreasing budget expenses and that the Ministry of Finance cannot assess such decrease because authors of the bill didn't provide proper financial and economic support.

V. Ariev

AUU Batkivshchyna


Today, the Government says every time that we should tighten our belt to live through hard times. So tell me please, why do people should tighten their belts, and MPs don't?

O. Syrotiuk

AUU Svoboda


If this bill is adopted, we will be able to shorten the Apparatus of the President, Administration of the President, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in two times.

Realization of this bill will allow our fellow citizens to hope for higher pensions, not the pension age.

H. Smitiukh

The Party of Regions


If one is coming from the moral purity of this issue, he should say: "I am, while holding my position, have refused from the state security, police escort, or other measures, provided within this position." It would be the proof that a person wants and can initiate the reduction of state expenses. However, it nothing like this happens, I consider it as a political advertising.

O. Zubchevskyi



Those who introduce the corresponding law today, stand for so-called social welfare and cancellation of privileges, but they have forgotten that five years ago they had the power, and did nothing to cancel unjustified privileges.

Voting results:

For – 204, against – 0, abstained – 20, didn't vote – 161, total – 385. The Party of Regions – 10, Batkivshchyna – 73, UDAR – 38, AUU Svoboda – 31, Communists Party – 31, non-faction – 20.